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  Atıf Sayısı 89
 Görüntüleme 88
 İndirme 24
Öğretmen Adaylarının Demokratik Tutumları İle Problem
Pamukkale University Journal of Education

The aim of this study is evaluation of prospective teachers’ democratic attitudes and problem solving skills in frames of different variables. In this study, 360 students who study Primary School Education (Division of Primary School Education and Science Education), Foreign Language Departmant (Division of English Language Education) and Turkish Language Education (Division of Turkish Language Education) were taken as a sample from Canakkale Onsekiz Mart University. Research data was collected through questionnaires developed by Heppner and Peterson (1982) that adapted to Turkish by Sahin, Sahin and Heppner (1993) and Gözütok (1995). Collected data was analyzed using t test and Anova and then study results were examined via charts. The study results reveal that there are differences among prospective teachers’ views about self democratic attitudes depending on sex, teaching types but there is no difference between prospective teachers’ views about self democratic attitudes depending on grade level, their teaching divisions, parents academic background. On the other hand, there are differences among prospective teachers’ views about self problem solving skills depending on their teaching divisions, grade level, their fathers’ academic background but there is no difference among prospective teachers’ views about self problem solving skills depending on sex, teaching types and their mothers’ academic background.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

The Democratic Attitude of Teachers

The aim of this study is the evaluation of prospective teachers’ attitudes and problem solving skills in frames of different variables. In this study, 360 students who study Primary School Education (Division of Primary School Education and Science Education), Foreign Language Department (Division of English Language Education) and Turkish Language Education (Division of Turkish Language Education) were taken as a sample from Canakkale Eighth March University. Research data was collected through questionnaires developed by Heppner and Peterson (1982) that adapted to Turkish by Sahin, Sahin and Heppner (1993) and Gözütok (1995). Collected data was analyzed using t test and Anova and then study results were examined via charts. The study results reveal that there are differences among prospective teachers' views about self-democratic attitudes depending on sex, teaching types but there is no difference between prospective teachers' views about self-democratic attitudes depending on grade level, their teaching divisions, parents academic background. On the other hand, there are differences among prospective teachers’ views about self problem solving skills depending on their teaching divisions, grade level, their fathers’ academic background but there is no difference among prospective teachers’ views about self problem solving skills depending on sex, teaching types and their mothers’ academic background.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Benzer Makaleler

Pamukkale University Journal of Education

Alan :   Eğitim Bilimleri

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 995
Atıf : 8.851
Eğitim Bilimleri Temel Alanı

Pamukkale University Journal of Education