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  Atıf Sayısı 6
 Görüntüleme 195
 İndirme 3
UBAK SEMPOZYUM (Sosyal ve Eğitim Bilimleri)

In this study, the case concepts in Turkish would be investigated, it would be researched how this category is classified in the sources and it would be deliberated how this subject should be classified essentially. One of the subject about which experts have different opinions is -beyond any doubt- the case of noun. The reason of diffirenf evaluations about this subject is that the seme or semes related to “case” term haven’t been understood completely and therefore, they haven’t been ascertained. With this paper, it is aimed to support the truth and contribute to the dominance of the right approach. In accordance with this purpose, the literatures related to the subject would be reviewed and the current approaches would be critically evaluated with scientific methods. In studies on this subject, it is seen that the noun case in Turkish has four to eleven classifications. It would be emphasized that it is possible to determine with semes how many suffixes actually make the noun case in Turkish. When the subject is considered with seme restrictions, it would be revealed that there are actually four case suffixes as accusative, dative, locative, ablative in Turkish and depending on these suffixes, it would be put forward that there are four cases.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

How many Islamic states are there in Turkey?

In this study, the case concepts in Turkish would be investigated, it would be researched how this category is classified in the sources and it would be deliberated how this subject should be classified essentially. One of the subject about which experts have different opinions is -beyond any doubt- the case of noun. The reason of diffirenf evaluations about this subject is that the semen or semes related to the "case" term have not been understood completely and therefore, they have not been ascertained. With this paper, it is aimed at supporting the truth and contributing to the dominance of the right approach. In accordance with this purpose, the literatures related to the subject would be reviewed and the current approaches would be critically evaluated with scientific methods. In studies on this subject, it is seen that the noun case in Turkish has four to eleven classifications. It would be emphasized that it is possible to determine with semes how many suffixes actually make the noun case in Turkish. When the subject is considered with seed restrictions, it would be revealed that there are actually four case suffixes as accusative, dative, locative, ablative in Turkish and depending on these suffixes, it would be put forward that there are four cases.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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UBAK SEMPOZYUM (Sosyal ve Eğitim Bilimleri)
UBAK SEMPOZYUM (Sosyal ve Eğitim Bilimleri)