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  Citation Number 11
 Views 60
 Downloands 21
Hareketli Kitap İllüstrasyonlarının Tarih Boyunca Farklı Kullanımları Üzerine Bir İnceleme
Art-e Sanat Dergisi

 This   research   was   prepeared   in   order   to   examine   historical   development   and  different  usage  of  movable  book  illustration.  Three  dimensions  and  movable  book  designs  (pop-­‐up)  are  produced  through  transforms  two  dimensions  print  paper  into  three   dimensions   and   movable   mechanism   by   illustrators   and   paper   engineers.  three  dimensions  and  movable  illustrations  keep  readers  sense  of  wonder  alive  by  means   of   secret   that   illustrations   have.   Thus,   illustrations   produce   to   reader   an  experience  of  a  tabletop  theatre.  Transforming  from  a  static  paper  into  a  dynamic  three   dimensions   mechanism   builds   an   interaction   between   readers,   text   and  illustrations.   This   interaction   starts   more   enjoyable   and   educational   process.  Movable   book   designs   provide   attention   of   readers   and   their   participations.   In  addition   to   their   functions   of   education,   entertainment   and   aesthetics   movable  book  designs  also  provide  experiences  that  more  catchy.        Although  three  dimensions  and  movable  books  are  identified  as  children  books  and  toys,   when   examine   the   historical   process   the   first   examples   of   movable  illustrations   designs   was   produced   for   adults   to   explain   complex   principle,   do  calculate,   relay   information   more   permanently   of   astronomy,   medicine,   maths,  landscape  three  dimensions  and  movable  illustrations  was  used.  


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