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Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi

Ouml;ZET Faruk Nafiz Ccedil;amlıbel'in telif, tercuuml;me ve adapte olmak uuml;zere yirmiden fazla oyunu vardır. Ccedil;amlıbel'in oyunlarında son douml;nem sosyal, kuuml;ltuuml;rel ve duuml;şuuml;nce hayatımızı, Cihan Harbi'nin yıkıntılarını ve Milli Muuml;cadele'yi takip etme imkanını bulabiliyoruz, Anadolu'nun problemlerinin şuurlu olarak ele ahndıgı Canavar'da Cihan Harbi sonrasını ve sosyal yaraları, Kahraman ve Ateş isimli oyunlarında Milli Muuml;cadele'yi ele alır. Bir douml;nemin kuuml;ltuuml;r politikasının tiyatroda tezahuuml;ruuml; olan Akın ve Ouml;zyurt'ta ise, Atatuuml;rk'uuml;n himayelerinde kurulan Tuuml;rk Tarih Kurumu'nun Tuuml;rk tarihi tezi, dramatik bir yapı iccedil;erisinde sahneye getirilır. ABSTRACT Faruk Nafız Ccedil;amlıbel written more than 20 translating reconciling and adapting books. We can keep to follow our social, cuJtural and thought life and the legacies of the National Independent struggle in the plays of his last written period. He focused on the problems of the Anatolia in his plays after the National War and a1so he wrote not only the social injuries in his play which is called "Canavar" but also shown the remedeies of these problems consciously. Afler this, he wrote the plays of Kahraman and Ateş. He focused on the National struggle in his these plays and then Akın and Ouml;zyurt plays which have the reflectjons of cultural policy at that period were brought the thesis of Turkish History to the stage throughouht the dramatic structure under the views of Tuuml;rk Tarih Kurumu which was established by Atatuuml;rk.


turkish history thesis in the games of pineapple039in

ampmlzet was founded in the stage of the delicacy of the delicacy and adapting to ampuumlzere there are more than twenty games in ampccedilamlibel039in games in the last dumpumlne social campuumlltampuumlrel and dumpuumllifepuumlnce his life cihan harbi039nin demolition and national mampuumlcadele039in is able to follow the problems of the fight against the fight against the fight against the fighter of the fighter of the war in the history of the repumn039

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Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi

Journal Type :   Ulusal

Türkiyat Araştırmaları Enstitüsü Dergisi