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 İndirme 1
Non-metastatik saptanan burned-out germ hücreli testis tümörü
The New Journal of Urology

A rarely seen ‘burned-out’ testis tumor is defined as the germ cell tumor, characterized by histologic regression and disappearance of the primary testicular tumor lesion without any treatment. Absence of any specific evidence of physical examination makes the diagnosis difficult, and increases the importance of radiological imaging works. A 31-year-old male patient applied to our hospital because of a hardness in the right testis. On the physical examination, there was a suspicious nodule at the upper pole of the right testis whereas the left testicle was normal. A mass was detected in scrotal magnetic resonance with the size of 14 * 11 mm in the right testis. Inguinal orchiectomy was performed and the final pathological diagnosis was concluded as “germ cell tumor showing total regression”. Non-metastatic burned-out testicular tumors are limited in number reported in the literature and their diagnoses might be sometimes complicated. In burned -out testicular tumor cases, surgery should be carried out immediately to confirm the diagnosis and for the treatment

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The New Journal of Urology

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 518
Atıf : 74
The New Journal of Urology