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Meme Kanserinin Erken Tanısında Klinik Bulgular mı? Mamografi mi?
Akdeniz Tıp Dergisi

Amaç: Mamografi ile tanı konulan veya semptomatik olarak doktora başvuran opere olmuş meme kanserli hastaların klinikopatolojik özeliklerinin karşılaştırılması ve hastalıksız sağkalım sürelerinin değerlendirilmesi planlandı. Gereç ve Yöntemler: 17.05.2000-19.06.2016 tarihleri arasında meme kanseri tanısı konulan, çok merkezli, 1004 opere meme kanseri hastasının verileri, dosya ve elektronik kayıt sistemlerinden retrospektif olarak analiz edildi. Verileri sağkalım analizi için uygun takip ve tedavi bilgilerine sahip 828 hasta çalışmaya dahil edildi. Hastaların tanısının mamografik tarama ya da semptomatik başvurmaya göre konulması, yaş, tanı anındaki kilosu, menapoz durumu, operasyon şekli, hormon reseptör durumu, HER2 reseptör durumu, patolojik evresi, grade, histolojik alt grup, lenfovasküler invaziyon, perinöral invaziyon durumu, adjuvan kemoterapi durumu, adjuvan herceptin alması durumu, adjuvan hormonal tedavi durumu, adjuvan radyoterapi durumu belirlendi. Hastaların nüks tarihi, yeri ve nüks olmayanların son vizit tarihleri belirlendi. Mamografi ile tanı konulan ve semptomatik olarak başvuran hastaların histopatolojik özellikleri karşılaştırıldı.Bulgular: Mamografik tarama ile 324 %39 hastaya meme kanseri tanısı konulmuştur. Mamografi ile tanı konulan ve semptomatik başvuran hastaların histopatolojik özellikleri karşılaştırıldığında; mamografi grubunda postmenopozal hasta yüzdesi %60,4 vs. %52; p=0,011 , grade 3 hasta sayısı %24,2 vs. %32,9; p=0,005 , pT1 oranı %48,5 vs. %26; p=0,0001 , aksiller lenf nodu pozitifliği %30 vs %53,7; p=0,0001 , LVİ lenfovasküler invazyon %13,7 vs %31,6; p=0,0001 , PNİ perinöral invazyon %7,2 vs. %18,1; p=0,0001 olarak saptandı. Ayrıca mamografi grubu ve diğer grup karşılaştırıldığında, adjuvan KT %67 vs. %85; p=0,0001 , hormonal tedavi %87,3 vs. %82; p=0,001 olarak saptandı. İki grup arasında nüks oranları yönünden fark saptanmadı %12 vs %12,6; p=0,4 . Medyan takip süresi 48 ay , medyan DFS hastalıksız sağkalım 37 ay olarak saptandı. DFS için yapılan ünivariate analizde prognostik parametreler de değerlendirildi. Patolojik evre p=0,002 , grade p=0,002 , PNİ p=0,027 , LVİ p=0,0001 , hormon reseptör durumu p=0,001 , triple negatif p=0,016 , luminal A hasta grubu p=0,048 ’nun DFS üzerine istatistiksel olarak anlamlı etkisi saptandı. Mamografik tarama ile tanı ve diğer parametrelerin DFS üzerine anlamlı etkisi saptanmadı p>0,05 Sonuç: Mamografik tarama grubundaki hastalar, daha erken evre, aksilla negatif oranı yüksek, postmenopozal durumda, düşük grade, daha az LVİ, PNİ oranına sahip, ayrıca yüksek oranda hormon reseptörü pozitifliğine sahip olarak saptandı. Ayrıca mamografi ile tanı konulan hastalar daha az kemoterapi ve daha çok hormonal tedavi almış olduğu görüldü. Mamografik tarama grubu, semptomla başvuran hasta grubuna göre iyi prognostik parametrelere sahip olmasına rağmen nüks oranları semptomatik grup ile benzerdi. Sağkalım analizinde bu grup hastaların nüks oranı semptomatik başvuran hastalarla benzer bulunmuştur

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Clinical findings in early diagnosis of breast cancer? The mammography?

Purpose: Compare clinic pathological characteristics of breast cancer patients diagnosed with mammography or symptomatically applying to the doctor and evaluate the survival periods without disease. Tools and Methods: Multi-centric, 1004 operate breast cancer patients diagnosed between 17.05.2000-19.06.2016 data, files and electronic recording systems were analyzed retrospectively. The data were included in the study with 828 patients with appropriate tracking and treatment information for survival analysis. The diagnosis of patients according to mammographic scan or symptomatic application, age, weight at the moment of diagnosis, menopause, form of operation, hormone receptor status, HER2 receptor status, pathological stage, grade, histological subgroup, lymphovascular invasion, perinoral invasion status, adjuvant chemotherapy status, adjuvant herceptin status, adjuvant hormonal treatment status, adjuvant radiotherapy status was determined. The date, location and last visit dates of the patients were determined. The histopathological characteristics of patients diagnosed with mammography and symptomatically applied were compared.The findings: 324% of patients with mammography were diagnosed with breast cancer. In comparison with the histopathological characteristics of patients diagnosed and symptomatically applied; postmenopathic patient percentage in the mammography group is 60.4 vs. 52%; p=011; grade 3 patient number is 24.2 vs. 32.9%; p=0,005; pT1 percentage is 48.5 vs. 26%; p=0,0001; accelerated lymph nod positivity is 30 vs. 53.7%; p=0,0001; LVI lymphovascular invasion is 13.7 vs. 31.6%; p=0,0001; PNI perinoral invasion is 7.2 vs. 18.1%; p=0,0001. In comparison with the mammography group and other groups, the adjuvant KT was found to be 67% vs. 85%; p=0,0001, hormonal therapy was 87.3% vs. 82%; p=0,001. There is no difference between the two groups in the direction of the null ratio 12% vs 12.6%; p=0.4 . The median tracking period was 48 months, the median DFS was 37 months of survival without disease. The univariate analysis for DFS also assessed the prognostic parameters. The pathological stage p=0,002 , grade p=0,002 , PNI p=0,027 , LVI p=0,0001 , hormone receptor status p=0,001 , triple negative p=0,016 , luminal A patient group p=0,048 statistically significant effect on DFS was identified. Diagnosis and other parameters have no meaningful effect on DFS with mammographic scan p>0,05 Result: Patients in the mammographic scan group were found to have earlier stages, high axilla negative rate, postmenopausal, low grade, lower LVI, PNI rate, also high hormone receptor positivity. Also, patients diagnosed with mammography were found to have received fewer chemotherapy and more hormonal therapy. The mammographic screening group had good prognostic parameters compared to the patient group that applied to the symptom, but the nickel rates were similar to the symptomatic group. In the endurance analysis, this group of patients found the rate of nursing similar to those with symptomatic applications.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Clinical Findings or Mammography In Early Diagnosis Of Breast Cancer

Objective: Our goal was to compare clinicopathological characteristics and disease free survival time among breast cancer patients diagnosed using mammographic scanning or after symptomatic medical advice seeking.Material and Methods: This was a retrospective analysis of 1004 cancer patients’ charts at a hospital in Turkey between 17.05.2000 and 19.12.2016. A total of 828 participants were considered eligible for the study. Diagnosis was made using either mammographic scanning or by symptomatic diagnosis considering the following parameters: age, weight at the time of diagnosis, menopause status, operation type, hormone and HER2 receptor status, pathological grade, histological subtype, lymphovascular and perineuronal invasion status, adjuvant chemotherapy use, adjuvant herceptin use, adjuvant hormonal therapy and adjuvant radiotherapy status.Results: Breast cancer was detected by mammographic scanning in 324 39% and by symptomatic diagnosis in 504. Among all the patients, 60.4 % of the women in the mammography group were in their postmenopausal period, while this rate was 52% for the symptomatic group, and the difference was statistically significant p=0.011 . The difference in most cases between the two methods employed was significant and found as below respectively: Grade 3 patient percentage 24.2% vs. 32.9% p=0.005 , pT1 percentage 48.5% vs. 26% p=0.0001 , positive axillary lymph node dissection 30% vs. 53.7% p=0.0001 , lymphovascular invasion 13.7% vs. 31.6% p=0.0001 , perineuronal invasion 7.2% vs. 18.1% p=0.0001 , adjuvant chemotherapy use 67% vs. 85% p=0.0001 and hormonal treatment use 87.3% vs. 82% p=0.001 . Nevertheless, recurrence rates did not differ significantly among the two groups 12% vs. 12.6% p=0.4 . The median follow-up time was 48 months and the median DFS time was 37 months . Prognostic parameters were also analyzed with univariate analysis, which was used to determine DFS. Pathologic staging p=0.002 , perineuronal invasion p=0.027 , lymphovascular invasion p=0.0001 , hormone receptor status p=0.0001 , triple negative disease p=0.016 , and luminal A patient group p=0.048 parameters were found to have a statistically significant effect on DFS. Diagnosis with mammographic scanning was found to have no statistically significant effect on DFS p>0.05 Conclusion: Patients diagnosed with mammographic scanning were found to have lower stages, higher axillary negativity rate, postmenopausal status, lower grades, less lymphovascular and perineuronal invasion and higher hormone receptor positivity, with lower chemotherapy and higher hormonal treatment use. Although patients diagnosed with mammographic scanning had better prognostic parameters, recurrence rates were similar to those symptomatic patients at the time of diagnosis. At survival analysis, recurrence rates were similar to those in the symptomatic patient group

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Benzer Makaleler

Akdeniz Tıp Dergisi

Alan :   Sağlık Bilimleri

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 564
Atıf : 210
Sağlık Bilimleri Temel Alanı

Akdeniz Tıp Dergisi