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Göz İçi Basıncı Yüksekliği Tespit Edilen Hastalarda Yaklaşım Nasıl Olmalıdır?
Boğaziçi Tıp Dergisi

Bu çalışmanın özet bilgisi mevcut değildir.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

What should be the approach in patients diagnosed with high eye pressure?

Introduction and Objective: In this study, it was intended to point out that it is not enough to measure only the eye pressure to diagnose the glucoma in patients with high eye pressure, and to emphasize the need to support the diagnosis by some objective tests (such as paquimetry, vision field test, optical coherence tomography, Heidelberg retina tomography) in addition to the eye pressure height for medical treatment. Method and Requirements: The study included 725 patients with 1450 eyes. The patients were aged 35-83. The examination recorded the findings of the biomicroscopic examination of the front and rear segments, eye pressure and cup/disk ratio. The eye pressure measurements were measured by the Huvitz (HN-7000) brand pneumatic tonometer. Patients with an intraocular pressure above 21 mmHg were monitored due to suspicion of glucoma. Patients with psedoexfoliation with an intraocular pressure above 21 mmHg have received medical treatment. Other patients with high intraocular pressure were traced by glucoma in terms of paximetry, vision area, optical coherence tomography, heidelberg retina tomography examinations. Foundations: In 16 of 725 patients (2.2%), both of the measurements taken with a week interval, due to the increase of eye pressure above 21 mmHg, these patients were directed to the glocom unit for detailed glocom examination. In 13 patients, the first-measured intraocular pressure was above 21 mmHg, but the following-measured intraocular pressure was observed at normal levels, so these patients were only taken to periodic clinical monitoring. In 3 patients with psedoexfoliation, the intraocular pressure was diagnosed above 21 mmHg, and these patients were initiated anti-locomatic treatment. The measurement of intraocular pressure is an essential part of eye examination. But it is not a right approach to recognize patients with high eye pressure as glucose patients and to start medical treatment immediately. Objective tests (optical disk visualization, retina nerve fluid analysis, vision area, etc.) It is necessary to confirm the use. If patients are diagnosed with glucoma in this way, unnecessary medical treatment is avoided.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Atıf Yapanlar
Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
Benzer Makaleler

Boğaziçi Tıp Dergisi

Alan :   Sağlık Bilimleri

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 295
Atıf : 48
Boğaziçi Tıp Dergisi