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  Citation Number 1
 Views 98
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Tarık Buğra’s Novels Based on Novel Analysing Method and Nationalism Theme in Tarık Buğra’s Novels
International Journal of Sport Culture and Science

In our study we try to analyse town based novelist Tarık Buğra’s novels in a general point of wiev. We prefer Prof. Dr. Nurullah Çetin’s “Roman analysing methods” while conducting mentioned study. So, we may reach a general idea about what the novelist try to tell in his novels, what he aims and what kind of results he has. Buğra owns 23 novels totally. Ten of them are printed as boks. They are listed chronically like: Yalnızlar (1948), Siyah Kehribar (1955), Küçük Ağa (1963) –later as “küçük ağa ankarada, nowadays brougth together as a one book - İbiş’in Rüyası (1970), Firavun İmanı (1978), Gençliğim Eyvah (1979), Dönemeçte (1980), Yağmur Beklerken (1989), Osmancık (1983). Nine of them are narrated by divine observer, and the other one is by divine-observer novels, the novelist is dominant in the novels and owns an olympic point of view, but in the subject-observer narrator novels, the subject experiences all the events. Subject-observer narrator novel is Siyah Kehribar, but in some parts, it is seen that divine-observer narrator is used. To the question that in Buğra’s novels, which themes are mentioned, we can sat that the loneliness of humanity, development of characteristic by the effect of society, efforts of the youth for showing themselves, big problems leading to success, a person’s characteristic change and his hero activities, love worhts, holiness of the country. İn an overview, Buğra’s novels discuss. male-female relation, nationalism, national struggle, otoman empire history, historical roots, politics and political issues, youth and social corruptin. İn his novels that discuss national struggle, it should bu expressed that he does not handle the issue in a formal way, but he talks about the background. When the mentioned novels are studied about their ends, it is seen that they have surprising, tragical and open-ended ends, even in most novels all these types of ends can be seen. When we talk about the kinds of fiction in the novels, we can say that buğra writes historical, life narrative and adventure novels. Our writer who does not prefer horror, fantastic,utopic and sicence-fiction novels, in his every novels tries to convey a message to his readers in a direct way. Buğra has strong national belief, and it is known in litarary world, in spite of this, he tries not to show a ideoligal or political behaviour. Nationalism idea has its own place in an artistic way in his novels. He thinks that state, nation and falg are holy. Blessed values are more important than personal ones. When these blessed values are mentioned, personal benefit is out of the question. The difference of Buğra’s novels is that they handle our independance war in a way that is not from front in Ankara or in military or political point of view.


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