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 Görüntüleme 27
 İndirme 8
Reasons, Views and Practices of Parents as EFL Teachers Raising Bilingual Children in Turkey
Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi

İngilizcenin dünya dili olmasıyla birlikte iki dillilik anadili İngilizce olmayan birçok insan tarafından ilgi çekmektedir. Bu sebeple, bu çalışma Türkiye’de İngilizce öğretmeni olarak çalışan ebeveynlerin iki dilli çocuk yetiştirmeye yönelik sebep, görüş ve uygulamalarını araştırmayı amaçlamaktadır. Bu çalışma nitel araştırma desenini benimsemiş ve görüşme tekniğini kullanmıştır. Üniversiteden 15 Nisan 2021 tarihli ve 2021/21 sayılı etik kurul izni alındıktan sonra pilot ve ana çalışmaların verileri amaçlı örnekleme tekniğine dayanarak önceden belirlenen kriterlere göre anadili İngilizce olmayan, iki dilli çocuk yetiştiren ve Türkiye’de devlet okulunda İngilizce öğretmeni olarak çalışan dokuz ebeveynden toplanmıştır. Yarı yapılandırılmış sorularla görüşmelerin cevaplar NVivo12’de içerik analiziyle analiz edilmiş ve kodlayıcılar arası güvenirlik hesaplanmıştır. Bulgular ebeveynlerin iki dilli çocuk yetiştirmeye yönelik sebeplerin yurtdışında yaşama, seyahat etme kolaylığı, iki dilli okulda öğrenim görme ve gelişmiş bilişsel becerilere sahip olma gibi yüksek oranda akademi ve hayat ile ilgili olduğunu göstermiştir. Avantajlarına yönelik görüşler benzer şekilde akademi ve hayat temalarını içermekteyken dezavantajları daha çok çocuk, toplum ve aile temalarıyla ile ilgilidir ve dil gelişiminde gecikme, toplum tarafından yadırganma ve aile üyeleri tarafından cesaretin kırılmasını içermektedir. İki dilli çocuk yetiştirme ile ilgili yapılan uygulamalar hakkında ise ebeveynlerin bilimsel araştırmalardan haberdar olmadıkları, bu nedenle sistematik hareket etmeden kendi sezgi ve yöntemleriyle çocuklarını yetiştirmeye çalıştıkları tespit edilmiştir.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Reasons, Views and Practices of Parents as EFL Teachers Raising Bilingual Children in Turkey

While English is the world language, two languages are attracted by many people who are not the native English. Therefore, this study aims to investigate the reasons, opinions and practices of parents working as English teachers in Turkey to raise two-language children. This study has adopted the research pattern and used the interview technique. After the University’s 15th April 2021 and the ethical board’s approval of 2021/21 was obtained, on the basis of the technique of sampling for the purposes of the data of the pilot and main studies, according to the predefined criteria, nine parents who raised two-language children and worked as teachers of English in the public school in Turkey were gathered. Interviews with semi-configured questions are analyzed by content analysis in NVivo12 and the confidence between coders is calculated. The findings have shown that the reasons for parents to raise two-language children are related to high levels of academics and life, such as living abroad, easy to travel, learning in a two-language school and having advanced cognitive skills. The views on their advantages include academic and life themes in a similar way, while their disadvantages are more related to children, society and family themes, and include delays in the language development, society’s disturbance and the breaking of courage by family members. About the practices of two-language childhood education, it has been found that parents are not aware of scientific research, so they are trying to raise their children with their own intuition and methods without systematic action.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Reasons, Views and Practices Of Nonnative Parents Towards Raising Bilingual Children

With the rise of English as a global language, bilingualism has drawn considerable interest among non-native English speakers. For this reason, this study aims to investigate the reasons, views, and practices of English as a foreign language (EFL) teachers as parents about their raising a bilingual child. The study adopted an interview technique among qualitative research designs. The data of the pilot and main studies were collected through purposive sampling according to predetermined criteria from nine parents who are nonnative English speakers, raise a bilingual child, and work as EFL teachers at state schools in Turkey. Participants were interviewed with semi-structured interview questions. All responses were analyzed by content analysis in NVivo 12, and interrater reliability was calculated. The findings showed that parents had a higher number of academic- and life-related reasons for raising bilingual children such as living abroad, traveling in the world, studying at bilingual schools, and having developed cognitive skills. Their views towards advantages were similarly rooted in academic and life themes. However, the disadvantages were rather related to child-, society- and family themes and mainly included having language delays, being prejudiced by the society, and being discouraged by family members. Regarding the bilingual practices of parents, the study highlighted that parents were mostly unaware of scholarly approaches to bilingual parenting methods and intuitively acted in their own manner. Therefore, families are suggested to initiate bilingual upbringing after having sufficient knowledge of academic methods and practices in order to consider the factors affecting a child’s emotional and social development as well as cognitive, and also they might inform their acquaintances about possible delays and confusion in advance in order to lessen anxiety and their fear of communication with the child.

Atıf Yapanlar
Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
Benzer Makaleler

Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 1.215
Atıf : 5.258
Anemon Muş Alparslan Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi