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 Görüntüleme 37
 İndirme 2
The Social Issue in Peruvian Constitutionalism of the 20th Century and in the Case Law of the Constitutional Court: Influence of Socialist Constitutionalism?
Russian Law Journal

The socialist ideas of Russian Revolution were well-known in Peru, according with the struggles of working-class and student movements and the birth of socialist and communist parties. But the Peruvian Constitutions of 1920 and 1993 only opened someone social rights, not only for the workers, but also for the indigenous people to protect their community territories. Only with the Constitution of 1979 the leftwing constituents were almost one third of the constituents. In this way the Constitution included social ideas in the type of State as social and democratic Rule of Law, the equal rights between all persons, particularly between men and women, the employment was protect by the State, the public education cost-free, the property had a social function, the natural resources were of the Nation, and the indigenous and Amazonian communities were protected, etc. But, with the neoliberal Constitution of 1993 the economic model was liberalized in favor of the market and the international investors, reducing the social rights, and the national power was centralized in the Executive Power. But, since 2000, after the fall-down of Fujimori’s regimen, the Constitutional Court played a role of balanced the impact of this new model, according with the international treaties of human rights and social rights. In this sense, the Constitutional Court was able to give the Constitution of 1993 a social content.

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Benzer Makaleler

Russian Law Journal

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 159
Atıf : 27
Russian Law Journal