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  Atıf Sayısı 1
 Görüntüleme 11
 İndirme 1
Ramsey Campbell'ın Romanlarında Çocuk İmgesi
Current Perspectives in Social Sciences

Yaşam zincirinin doğal ve değişmeyen halkalarından olan çocuk, değişik toplumlarda ve zaman içinde farklılık gösteren kültürel bir yapıdır. Edebiyatta farklı bakış açılarıyla tasvir edilen çocuk, insanın benliğini, yaşamını, masumiyetini, iç dünyasını, umutlarını, geçmişini, geleceğini, kötü yönlerini, korku ve kaygılarını sorgulayabileceği bir karakter olarak ön plana çıkar. Bu bağlamda modern İngiliz yazar Ramsey Campbell The Last Voice They Hear, The Face That Must Die ve Silent Children adlı romanlarında çocuğun aile ve toplum içindeki durumunu en yalın haliyle gözler önüne sermektedir. Bu çalışma, çocukluk döneminde yaşanan acı deneyimler sonucunda kötücül insanlara dönüşen karakterlerin geçmiş yaşantısını aile ve toplum bağlamında irdeleyerek yetişkinlerin çocuklar üzerindeki etkisini göz önüne sermektedir.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Ramsey Campbell’s novel.

The child, from the natural and unchanging rings of the life chain, is a cultural structure that differs in different societies and over time. The child, depicted with different perspectives in literature, comes to the forefront as a character in which man can question his self, his life, his innocence, his inner world, his hopes, his past, his future, his evils, his fears and his concerns. In this context, modern British writer Ramsey Campbell in his novels The Last Voice They Hear, The Face That Must Die and Silent Children illustrates the situation of the child in the family and society in the most simple way. This study takes into account the past life of the characters who have become evil people as a result of the painful experiences of childhood and the impact of adults on children in the family and society context.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Child Image In Ramsey Campbell's Novels

Families, which have a great impact on their children throughout their lives from the period just before their birth, have the responsibility to shape their physiological and spiritual development and prepare them for life. The interaction, communication, solidarity and sharing of family members with each other create a shaping effect on children's attitudes and behaviours. Conflict-ridden, parted and broken families find it difficult to fully fulfil their duties and responsibilities for their children. Therefore, children of these families who are ill-treated, deprived of parental affection, guide and well-education might be inclined to some undesirable behaviours. If literature is accepted as a fictional projection of real life, child’s place in literature should not be considered separately from the society and period to which it belongs. Ramsey Campbell's novels in question are important in terms of showing the results of the negative interaction between children and the adult world. Children who cannot realize socialization and personality development because the childhood period has been disrupted for some reason or has been problematic turn into evils since they are the victims of problems that they are not the cause of, and become serial killers at their later ages. The main theme of these novels is the violence, crimes and murders committed by characters who have lost their humanitarian sides and become alienated from themselves and the society they live in. This study aims to analyse adults' attitudes and behaviours towards children and their effects on them based on Campbell's novels The Face That Must Die, The Last Voice They Hear and Silent Children.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Benzer Makaleler

Current Perspectives in Social Sciences

Alan :   Filoloji; Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 1.416
Atıf : 9.518
Current Perspectives in Social Sciences