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Rusça'da Türk Kökenli Kelimeler: Askeri Kamp Adları
Dede korkut uluslararası türk dili ve edebiyatı araştırmaları dergisi

Abstract If we group the words of Turkish origin in the Russian language according to the scope, we will see that the words related to the military field have a significant place in this case. Thus, the existence of words of Turkish origin, including military lexical units, in the East Slavic languages, especially in the ancient layers of the Russian language, is a fact. In this sense, the fact that the terms that are the main means of expression to express only one concept are of Turkish origin proves what we say. Although these historical words no longer have the same meaning, they are still considered active words in the Russian language by changing their meanings. In our article, we have decided to talk about the words used in the Russian language in the sense of military camp, camp. Theese are: stan, koş, tavar, çadır(şater), kolımaqa, kuren, orda, tabor words. In our study, the history of registration of these words in Russian written sources, terminological features, lexical-semantic features of words in this language were studied. To this end, we have substantiated our conclusions in this direction, taking into account the military terms in the Russian language.


Turkish words in Russian: Names of military camps

When we group the words of Turkish origin in Russian according to their scope, we see that the words related to the military field have an important place in this language. First of all, let’s note that the Turkish words related to the military area are considered as ancient dictionaries in the Russian language. Indeed, the existence of Turkish-born words in the Eastern Slavic languages, especially in the old layers of the Russian language, including military vocabulary units, is a fact. From this point of view, the main means of expressing one concept is that the terms are of Turkish origin, the evidence of what we say. Although some of these historical words are no longer the same meaning, their meanings are changed and still considered as active words in the Russian language. In our article we also decided to refer to the words used in the meaning of military camp, camp from the military terms used in Russia. Those are: stone, run, roof, tent, armor, Kuren, there, tabor words. Our study has studied the record history of these words in Russian written sources, the terminological characteristics, the word-sensual characteristics of these words in the language. For this purpose, we tried to verify our results in this direction, taking into account the military terms in the Russian language.


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Article : 407
Cite : 373
Dede korkut uluslararası türk dili ve edebiyatı araştırmaları dergisi