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Art-Sanat Dergisi

The Ottoman art of ceramic production extending from the 14th to 20th century nurtured from three centres such as İznik, Kütahya, and Çanakkale. Çanakkale, one of these centres, as compared to others, is distinguished from others through the primitive attitude in technique, form and designs, which is considered as “folk art”. Animal shaped forms such as lion, horse, camel and kangaroo in the traditional Çanakkale ceramics from the end of the 18th century to the first quarter of the 20th century fulfilled functions such as trinkets, box or candy box, or ashtray. The disproportion of these ceramics can sometimes be attributed to the practical attitude of the craftsmen, and sometimes to their wish to give a “funny” impression. On the other hand, as in many products of folk art, it is possible to observe forms and designs from prehistoric ages extending to the 20th century in Çanakkale ceramics. This surprising continuity can be explained by referring to the fact that production, independent of the “official” art of the period, continued by transfer from the master to the apprentice, without feeling the historical obligation. In this article, we will introduce interesting examples of past forms and designs in Çanakkale ceramics located in various museums and private collections and we will deal with their projections today.

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Art-Sanat Dergisi

Alan :   Güzel Sanatlar; Mimarlık, Planlama ve Tasarım

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 416
Atıf : 684
Güzel Sanatlar Temel Alanı

Mimarlık, Planlama ve Tasarım Temel Alanı

Art-Sanat Dergisi