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 Görüntüleme 14
Neighbours Across the Baltic Sea: Swedes and Kashubians in the Prose of Augustyn Necel
Acta Baltico-Slavica

Abstract The article analyses the approach to Pomerania as a place of coexistence of cultural traditions of various nations and ethnic groups. In Kashubian literature, Pomerania is described as a culturally rich borderland area (in this case, Slavic-Germanic or Baltic-Slavic), and here too we can designate places, events and centres shaping the “neighbourly” image of these lands in the medium of Kashubian as well as Polish and German literature. Apart from strictly historical factors, some writers also created this space of the “crossroads of cultures” as a particularly important land, interestingdue to the Polish-Kashubian-German neighbourhood, Polish-Swedish wars, as well as the shared experience of fishing communities and the harshness of nature. Particularly important in this context is the work of the Kashubian writer Augustyn Necel, especially his novels written in Polish, such as Krwawy sztorm [Bloody Storm], Złote klucze [Golden Keys], Kutry o czerwonych żaglach [Cutters with Red Sails] or the collection W niewoli białych purtków: Podania i gawędy z Wybrzeża [In the Captivity of White Purtki: Tales and Stories from the Coast].

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Benzer Makaleler

Acta Baltico-Slavica

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 246
Atıf : 5
Acta Baltico-Slavica