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Diyanet İlmî Dergi

Kişinin kendine söz geçirebilme ve arzularını dizginleyebilme anlamlarına gelen oto kontrol, çağdaş terminolojinin önümüze koyduğu kavramlardan biridir. Asrımızda genellikle öfkenin kontrol edilememesinden kaynaklanan yüksek suç oranlarına karşılık oto kontrolün önemi gün geçtikçe daha iyi anlaşılmaktadır. Bireyin davranışlarını düzenlemesinde etkili olan çeşitli faktörler bulunmaktadır. Bunların başında hayata istikamet veren inanç ve ahlâka dair esaslar gelmektedir. Kur’ân-ı Kerîm’de, iman ve ahlâk konuları, ödül ve ceza ifade eden kavramlarının eşliğinde ele alınmaktadır. Kur’ân, insanı yüce hedeflere teşvik ederken rahmet içeren, nefsin gayri meşru arzularını baskılamak için de gazap ifade eden kavramları kullanır. Ayrıca nefsin aşırılıklarını dizginlemek için de ahlâka dair takva, sabır, haya, tövbe gibi bazı kavramları kullandığını görmekteyiz. Bu makalede, literatür tarama yöntemiyle, Kur’ân’da ele alınan inanç ve ahlâka dair esasların oto kontrolü sağlamadaki rolü ve önemi vurgulanmaktadır.


It is the role of the faithful and religious creatures in the Qur’an in the provision of autocontrol.

Auto control, which means that a person is able to promise himself and disguise his desires, is one of the concepts that modern terminology puts in front of us. In our age, the importance of self-control is often better understood in response to the high criminal rates caused by the uncontrollable of anger. There are various factors that influence the individual’s behavior. It is the life of faith and morality that comes to them. In the Qur’an, faith and morality are discussed in the accompanying of the concepts of reward and punishment. The Qur’an uses the concepts of anger to suppress the unlawful desires of the soul, which contain mercy while encouraging man to the highest goals. We also see that some concepts of morality, such as fear, patience, hassle, repentance, are used to disguise the extremities of the soul. This article emphasizes the role and importance of the principles of faith and morality discussed in the Qur’an by the literary scan method in ensuring self-control.


The Role Of Some Belief and Moral Concepts In The Qur’an In Ensuring Self-control

Self-control, which means being able to control one’s own self and to restrain one’s desires, is one of the concepts that contemporary terminology has put before us. In our century, the importance of self-control is acknowledged day by day in the face of high crime rates, which are usually caused by the inability to control anger. There are various factors that are effective in the regulation of an individual’s behavior, which is summarized as the regulation of one’s actions for a certain purpose. The most important of these are the principles of belief and morality that guides life. The Qur’an addresses such matters as faith and morality with concepts of reward and punishment. It utilizes concepts of mercy to encourage people towards süblime goals, while employing the concepts of vehemence to suppress the unlawful desires of the nafs. Furthermore, we can observe that the Qur’an uses some concepts of morality such as piety, patience, haya’, and penitence in order to restrain the extreme desires of one’s nafs. This article emphasizes the role and importance of the Qur’anic principles of belief and morality in self-control through a literature review.


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Diyanet İlmî Dergi

Field :   İlahiyat

Journal Type :   Ulusal

Article : 454
Cite : 733
Basic Field of Theology

Diyanet İlmî Dergi