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Indian Government New North—East Policy In Present Era
İlköğretim Online

Resolving the situation in Kashmir through diplomacy and dialogue is a valid solution and an effective long-term strategy. However, the alarming human rights situation of the region, the nuclear character that the conflict could take on, and the irreversible position of the three committed actors demand urgent intervention from the international community. In the name of Article 24 of the UNSC Charter, it is vital to maintain peace and security in a region where the multitude of ethnic groups is under the Indo-Pakistani-Chinese politico-security stranglehold. To start, I will draw up a quick picture of the major problem in resolving the conflict, and then explain why the current solutions do not work. I will then propose concrete alternatives and recommendations. Kashmir is located at the junction of Pakistan, India, Afghanistan and China in the Himalayan mountains. India's Mughal emperors by the beauty of its surroundings called Kashmir paradise. The total area of state of Kashmir that is a former princely state of British India was 86,023 square miles. In the last seven decades Kashmir became a paradise lost. Its people were trapped in the current of a bitter dispute between India and Pakistan. It became a focal point of inter-state conflict in the first and second India-Pakistan wars, in 1947-1948 and 1965, started on the dispute over Kashmir, and the territory also saw heavy fighting in the third war in 1971. At the time of partition of Indian Jammu and Kashmir including Aksai Chin, had an area of 222,236 square kilometers. Out of this area Kashmir had 10 percent, Jammu 14.4 percent, and the frontier districts 75.6 percent. According to the census of 1941 population of Kashmir was 4.02 millions, 77 percent were Muslims and 20 percent were Hindus. Today 45.62 percent of the original state territory is with India, 35.15 percent with Pakistan and 19.23 percent with China. The Line of Control (LOC) divides Jammu and Kashmir to 778 KM long area and there is an uncontested border of 198 km between the part of state with India and Pakistani Punjab. In the Siachen area there is an undefined line about 150 km separating India and Pakistan.

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İlköğretim Online

Alan :   Eğitim Bilimleri

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 6.985
Atıf : 20.625
Eğitim Bilimleri Temel Alanı

İlköğretim Online