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  Atıf Sayısı 2
 Görüntüleme 36
 İndirme 1
International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling

Currently cities are faced with many environmental problems in parallel with increased population, like environmental pollution (water, soil, noise and air pollution, etc.), drinking water problems, water scarcity/use, resource scarcity, traffic, large natural disasters, lack of green space, insufficient infrastructure, migration and unplanned urbanization, public health problems, carbon emissions, rapidly increasing population, radiation and energy crises. Cities with rapidly increasing populations using communication technologies and technological infrastructure to resolve all these problems are called smart cities and it is unavoidable that future cities will be designed with the understanding of a new generation. One of the subareas of smart cities for solutions to environmental problems included among these many problems is the use of smart environment applications. With the aid of smart environment applications using smart technologies, many types of pollutants including noise, different types of waste, carbon emissions (carbon footprint), radiation and light, in addition to the classic air-water-soil pollutants, can be monitored and managed. Smart environment applications can produce important solutions to solve chronic problems like water scarcity/use, energy, global warming and climate change, which directly affect these basic environmental problems. This article investigates sample applications in cities taking important steps to become smart cities in Turkey and how smart environment applications are used to solve these problems in cities with large populations faced with rapidly increasing environmental problems. Sample applications will be presented by examining studies, reports and references related to organizations and institutions especially. As in the rest of the world, smart environment applications are rapidly being implemented in the design of example smart towns in our country. Through contributions of the Ministry of Environment and Urbanization and the Ministry of Industry and Technology, local administrations and other organizations on a city basis have taken important steps to becoming smart cities by using smart environment applications.

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Benzer Makaleler

International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

International Journal of Environmental Pollution and Environmental Modelling