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  Citation Number 15
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Kamu Yönetiminde Liyakatin Önemi: Adalet Temelinde Bir Değerlendirme
Gaziantep University Journal of Social Sciences

Kamu yönetimi, yapısı ve işleyişi itibariyle geniş bir olgudur. Kamusal nitelikteki hizmetlerin sunulmasında devletin en büyük ve en önemli örgütsel yapısını oluşturan kamu yönetiminin etkin ve verimli bir şekilde işlemesi hem vatandaş ihtiyaçlarının giderilmesinde hem de genel manada devletin sunmuş olduğu hizmetlerde başarı oranının yükselmesinde oldukça etkilidir. Kamu yönetiminin, varlık nedeni doğrultusunda faaliyet göstermesi ve kendisinden beklenen amaçlara ulaşabilmesi gerekmektedir. Kamu yönetiminin amacı doğrultusunda faaliyet göstermesi onun mümkün mertebe sorunsuz bir şekilde işlemesi ile yakından ilişkilidir. Sorunsuz ve başarılı bir yönetim için ise adalet ve liyakat kavramları önem kazanmaktadır. Genel anlamda her insana hak ettiğinin verilmesini ifade eden adalet, herkesin yeteneklerine uygun olan işle meşgul olmasını ifade eden liyakati gerekli kılmaktadır. Adaletin en güzel tezahürlerinden biri olan liyakatin kamu yönetiminde uygulanması, kamu yönetiminin en önemli unsuru olan ‘insan’ unsurundan verim elde edilmesini ve yönetimin başarılı olmasını sağlamaktadır. Liyakat ve adalet ile ilgili tarihi ve güncel fikir ve düşünceler üzerine oluşturulan bu çalışmada öncelikle ‘liyakat’ kavramı açıklanmıştır. Çalışmanın devamında ise liyakat kavramı adalet temelinde değerlendirilerek kamu yönetimi açısından önemi ortaya konmaya çalışılmıştır. Çalışmada bir yandan liyakatin adalet ile sağlanabileceği ortaya konmaya çalışılırken, diğer yandan liyakatin kamu yönetimi için vazgeçilmez bir kavram olduğu üzerinde durulmuştur.


The Importance of Loyalty in Public Administration: A Assessment on the Basis of Justice

The management, structure and functioning are a broad phenomenon. The effective and efficient processing of the public administration, which forms the large and important organizational structure of the state in the provision of public services, is very effective in the removal of the needs of citizens and in the rise of the success rate in the services offered by the state in general. The public administration must act according to the cause of existence and be able to the objectives expected from it. The public administration’s action in accordance with the purpose is closely related to its possible processing of the merdebe in a problem-free manner. For a problemless and successful administration, the concepts of justice and loyalty become important. The righteousness, which in general expresses that every person is given what he deserves, makes it necessary to express that every person is engaged in the work that fits his ability. Implementation of lawfulness, one of the justice manifestations, in public administration ensures that the "human" element, which is an important element of public administration, is productive and that the administration is successful. This study, based on historical and current ideas and ideas related to justice and justice, first explained the concept of "righteousness". In the course of the study, the concept of liquacy was assessed on the basis of justice and the importance of public administration was revealed. The study is trying to reveal that, on the one hand, liability can be achieved by justice, while on the other hand, liability is an indispensable concept for public administration.


The Importance Of Merit In Public Administration: An Evaluation Based On Justice

Public administration is an extensive phenomenon due to its structure and functioning. The efficient and productive functioning of public administration which constitutes the biggest and the most important organizational structure of a government in presenting public services are quite effective both in satisfying the needs of citizens and in increasing the success rate in the services that are presented by the government. It is required from public administration to operate in accordance with the reason of state and to fulfill the expected objectives. The purpose-oriented operation of public administration is closely related to its operation with minimum problems. The concepts of justice and merit come into prominence for a smooth and successful administration. Justice which generally means each person should get what they deserve requires merit which states that everyone should be occupied with a profession that is appropriate to their skills. The application of merit in public administration which is one of the best manifestations of justice provides public administration to obtain efficiency from the element of “human” which is one of the most important elements of public administration and the administration to be successful. In this research which was based on the historical and contemporary ideas and opinions on merit and justice, first, the concepts of ‘merit' were explained. Then, the importance of merit in terms of public administration was tried to be revealed by evaluating it on the basis of justice. On the one hand, it was tried to reveal that merit can be provided with justice and on the other hand it was emphasized that merit is an irreplaceable concept for public administration.


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