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 Görüntüleme 18
 İndirme 2
Zest for Work in Physical Education and Sport Teachers’ Perceptions of Success
Asian Journal of Education and Training

The aim of the study is to determine the effect of zest for work on physical education teachers' perceptions of success and examine it together with some demographic variables. The study is a descriptive study using relational screening design. The sample of the study consists of 402 physical education teachers, 38% (n: 151) female and 62% (n: 251) male, employed within the Ministry of National Education in Ankara and it was selected by stratified sampling method. The "Perception of Success Scale" and the "Zest for Work Scale" developed by Erdoğan (2013) were used to measure physical education teachers' perceptions of success and their zest for work levels, respectively. Analysis of the data was conducted via SPSS 21 package program. Significance level was taken as p<.05. According to the results of the study, physical education teachers' zest for work levels significantly predicted their perceptions of success. There was a positive and significant relationship between physical education teachers' perceptions of success and their zest for work levels. It was found a positive and significant relationship between physical education teachers' perceptions of success and their ages. Physical education teachers' perceptions of success and their zest for work levels showed a significant difference in favor of female teachers according to the variable of gender. There was no significant difference between physical education teachers' zest for work levels and their ages and the level of institution. It was found no significant difference between physical education teachers' perceptions of success and the level of institution.

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Asian Journal of Education and Training

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Asian Journal of Education and Training