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  Atıf Sayısı 2
 Görüntüleme 108
 İndirme 27
Art-Sanat Dergisi

The Ottoman-Russian war of 1877-1878 from the historical framework, can be regarded as a step taken to implement panslavist ideas that developed within the same period in Russia. Russia, in the name of the freedom of Balkan peoples, defeated the Balkan peoples and opened a war against the Ottoman State. Russia, which could not reach its goal in spite of its victory, still accelerated the destruction of the Ottoman state. Both countries suffered great losses in this battle. There is a human aspect as well as the historical frame of the war. Indeed, the purpose of this work is to convey the war, through the eyes of Vasili V. Verashagin, one of the leading painters of the 19th century who was directly involved in the war.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

18771878 ottoman russian war from the eyes of vasili v vereşçagin

ottomanrussian war of 18771878 from the historical framework can grow as a step by stepping to implement panslavist ideas in the same period in russia russia in the name of the freedom of ballkan people defeated the ballkan peoples and opened a war against the ottoman state russia which could reach its goal in century of its victory styles accelerated the destruction of the ottoman state both countries where great losses in this there battle is a human aspect as well as the historical framework of the war in the fight from the hands of the head of the war in the work of the hands of the hands of the hands of the hands of the war was to the hands of the hands of the hands of the work of the work of the hands of the hands of the hands of the work of the hands of the hands of the work of the war in the war was to the war in the hands of the hands of the hands of the hands of the hands of the hands of the hands of the hands of the hands of the hands of the head of the work of the head of the head of the war in the work of the work of the head of the head of the head of the head of the hands of the hands of the

Anahtar Kelimeler:

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Art-Sanat Dergisi

Alan :   Güzel Sanatlar; Mimarlık, Planlama ve Tasarım

Dergi Türü :   Ulusal

Makale : 416
Atıf : 684
2023 Impact/Etki : 0.25
Güzel Sanatlar Temel Alanı

Mimarlık, Planlama ve Tasarım Temel Alanı

Art-Sanat Dergisi