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  Citation Number 4
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Boro-sinterleme işleminin ham T/M parçaların mikroyapı ve sertlik özelliklerine etkilerinin incelenmesi
Bor Dergisi

Bu çalışmada yüksek saflıkta demir (Fe) tozları preslenmiş ve katı ortamda 4 ve 6 saat boyunca 950°C’de ve 1050°C’de Boro-Sinterleme işlemine (B/S) tabi tutulmuştur. Toz Metalürjisindeki (T/M) ana adımlardan biri olan sinterleme işlemi, borlama işlemi ile aynı anda gerçekleştirilmiştir. Bu sayede borlama ve sinterleme işlemleri tek adımda tamamlanmış ve mikroyapıdaki muhtemel oksit fazları da azaltılmıştır. B/S işleminden sonra sertlik ölçümleri microvickers (HV0.05) yöntemi ile yapılmış ve sertlik profilleri ve kaplama özellikleri incelenmiştir. Numuneler optik mikroskop (OM) ve alan emisyon taramalı elektron mikroskobu (FESEM) ve enerji dağıtıcı spektroskopisi (EDS) ile mikroyapı analizlerine tabi tutulmuştur. Çalışma sonucunda, yüksek saflıkta Fe tozları kullanarak T/M yöntemiyle üretilen numunelere B/S işlemi uygulanarak homojen bir mikroyapının elde edilebileceği belirlenmiştir. Elde edilen sertlik profillerinden mikroyapıda istenen koşulları sağlamak için B/S işleminin başarıyla uygulanabileceği görülmüştür.


Study of the effects of the Boro-sintering process on the microbuilding and hardness characteristics of raw T/M parts
Bor Dergisi

In this study; high purity iron (Fe) powder was pressed and undergoed the Boro-Sintering (B/S) process at 950°C and 1050°C for 4 and 6 hours in a solid environment. The synthesis process, which is one of the main steps in dust metallurgy (T/M), is carried out simultaneously with the piping process. Thus, the piping and synthesis processes have been completed in a single step and the possible oxide phases in the microbuilding have also been reduced. After the B/S process, hardness measurements were made using the microvickers (HV0.05) method and hardness profiles and covering characteristics were studied. The samples were submitted to optical microscope (OM) and field emission scan electron microscope (FESEM) and energy distribution spectroscopy (EDS) with microbuilding analyses. The study found that the samples produced using the T/M method using Fe powder in high purity could be obtained by the B/S process. It has been shown that the B/S process can be successfully implemented to ensure the desired conditions in the microbuilding from the hardness profiles obtained.


Investigation Of The Effects Of Boro-sintering Process On The Microstructure and Hardness Properties Of Raw P/m Parts
Bor Dergisi

In this study; high purity iron (Fe) powders were pressed and subjected to BoroSintering (B/S) at 950 °C and 1050 °C for 4 and 6 hours in solid medium. The sintering process, which is one of the main steps in Powder Metallurgy (P/M), was carried out simultaneously with the boriding process. By this way the boriding and sintering processes (B/S) were completed in a single step and the possible oxide phases in microstructure were also decreased. After B/S process, hardness measurements were carried out by microvickers (HV0.05) method and hardness profiles and coating qualities were investigated. Samples were subjected to microstructure analyses by optical microscopy (OM) and field emission scanning electron microscopy (FESEM) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS). As a result of the study, it was determined that a homogeneous microstructure could be obtained by applying B/S process to the samples produced by P/M method using high purity Fe powders. It was seen that B/S process can be applied successfully to provide the desired conditions in the microstructure from the obtained hardness profiles.


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Bor Dergisi

Field :   Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik; Mühendislik; Sağlık Bilimleri

Journal Type :   Ulusal

Article : 195
Cite : 237
Basic Field of Health Sciences

Basic Field of Science and Mathematics

Basic Field of Engineering

Bor Dergisi