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Yeni Dini Hareketlerin Covid-19 Küresel Salgını Karşısında İzlediği Yöntem Ve Stratejilerinin Sosyolojik Bir İncelemesi
Turkish Academic Research Review

Din eğitimi tarihi çalışmalarında Osmanlının 1700 yılından önceki dönemiyle ilgili İnsanlık tarihinde yaşanmış büyük salgınlar sebep ve sonuçları itibariyle toplumların siyasi-ekonomik dini yaşamlarının şekillenmesinde etkili olmuş halihazırda da etkili olmaya devam etmektedir. Teknoloji ve bilimde katedilen ilerleme sayesinde küreselleşen dünyamızın küçük bir köy haline gelmesi sebebiyle herhangi bir ülkesinde meydana gelen salgın ve afet gibi istenmeyen durumlar, doğal olarak diğer ülkeleri de etkisi altına alabilmektedir. Dünya çapında yaşanan bu olumsuz sürecin en az hasarla atlatılabilmesi için bazen küresel çapta olağanüstü önlemlerin alınması gerekebilmektedir. 2019 Aralık ayında Çin’in Wuhan eyaletinde ortaya çıkan ve Covid-19 olarak adlandırılan virüs, kısa sürede birçok ülkede ölümcül vakalara sebebiyet vermiş ve Dünya Sağlık Örgütü tarafından uluslararası halk sağlığını tehdit etmesi sebebiyle pandemi olarak kabul edilmiştir. Toplumsal sağlımızı tehdit eden bu durum dünya genelinde bazı kısıtlayıcı tedbirlerin alınmasını zorunlu hale getirmiş, bu izolasyon ortamının yaratmış olduğu gerilim ve güven bunalımı bireysel ve toplumsal yaşamımızın her alanında kendini hissettirmiştir. Bu olağanüstü zamanlarda toplumun farklı kesimlerine bir nevi rehabilite hizmeti sunan dinin, inanç pratikleri ve duygu boyutunda vaat ettiği tatmin edici çözümlerle sığınılacak bir liman işlevi gördüğü bilinen bir gerçektir. Bu konuda ana akım dini geleneğe tepki olarak ortaya çıkan ve Yeni Dini Hareketler olarak da adlandırılan oluşumların da Covid-19 salgını sürecinden etkilendikleri bir gerçektir. Bu çalışmada, söz konusu bu dini oluşumların Covid-19 küresel salgını karşısında yaklaşımları, salgının bu hareketlerin dini faaliyetleri üzerindeki etkileri sosyolojik açıdan analiz edilmiştir. Bu çalışmanın konusu olan Yehova Şahitleri, Mormonlar, Yedinci Gün Adventistleri faaliyette bulundukları ülke ve yerel bölgelerde toplum sağlının korunması amacıyla alınan tedbirlere riayet ettikleri görülmektedir. Bu kurallara riayet ederken kendi Kutsal Kitap ve dini doktrinlerine referansta bulundukları da gözlenmektedir. Sayentoloji Kilisesi ise her ne kadar geleneksel dinin izlerini bünyesinde taşımasa da salgın ile ilgili alınan tedbirler konusunda diğerleriyle benzer refleksi göstermiştir. Çalışmada tespit edilen bir başka husus da çalışmanın konusu olan bu dini oluşumların tedaviye önem verdikleri, aşı karşı olmadıkları, aşı olmanın bireysel bir tercih olduğunu belirtmeleridir. Hatta insan ve toplum sağlığını göz önünde tutarak üyelerinden aşı olmalarını teşvik ettikleri de görülmektedir.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

A sociological review of the new religious movements’ methods and strategies against the Covid-19 global infection

Religious education history studies in the history of the period before the 1700th century of the Ottoman history of the great epidemics experienced in the history of humanity has been influential in the formation of political and economic religious lives of societies and is still effective. Through the advances of technology and science, unwanted situations, such as epidemic and disasters occurring in any country, as the globalized world becomes a small village, can naturally affect other countries as well. Sometimes extraordinary measures may be taken globally in order to overcome this negative process around the world with the minimum damage. The virus, which appeared in the Chinese state of Wuhan in December 2019 and called Covid-19, has soon caused fatal cases in many countries and has been recognized as a pandemic by the World Health Organization because it threatens international public health. This situation that threatens our social health has made it compulsory to take some restrictive measures around the world, the tension and confidence depression created by this isolation environment has felt itself in all areas of our individual and social life. It is a well-known fact that in these extraordinary times the religion, which offers a rehabilitation service to different sections of society, sees it as a port function to shelter with the satisfactory solutions it promises in the practice of faith and the emotional dimension. This is a fact that the formations emerging as a response to the mainstream religious tradition and also called the New Religious Movements are also affected by the Covid-19 epidemic process. In this study, the approaches of these religious formations to the global epidemic of Covid-19 and the effects of the epidemic on the religious activities of these movements were sociologically analyzed. The subject of this study, Jehovah’s Witnesses, the Mormons, the Seventh Day Adventists, appear to follow the measures taken in the country and local areas in which they are active in order to protect the community. They are also observed to be referring to their Holy Book and religious doctrines while following these rules. The Church of Sayentology, though it does not carry the traces of the traditional religion within it, has shown a similar reflection on the measures taken in connection with the epidemic. Another aspect found in the study is that these religious formations, which are the subject of the study, point out that they pay attention to the treatment, that they are not against the vaccination, that being vaccinated is an individual preference. They are also encouraged to be vaccinated from their members, taking into account human and community health.

Anahtar Kelimeler:

A Sociological Examination Of The Methods and Strategies Followed By New Religious Movements Against The Covid-19 Global Epidemic

It has been effective in shaping the political-economic religious lives of societies due to the great epidemics experienced in the history of humanity and its causes and consequences, and it continues to be influential. Due to the fact that our globalized world has become a small village thanks to the progress made in technology and science, an undesirable situation such as an epidemic or disaster in any country can naturally affect other countries. In order to overcome this negative process experienced worldwide with the least damage, it may sometimes be necessary to take extraordinary measures on a global scale. The virus, which emerged in Wuhan, China in December 2019 and called as Covid-19, caused fatal cases in many countries in a short time and was accepted as a pandemic by the World Health Organization due to its threat to international public health. This situation, which threatens our social health, has made it necessary to take some restrictive measures around the world, and the tension and confidence crisis created by this isolation environment has made itself felt in all areas of our individual and social life. It is a well-known fact that religion, which provides a kind of rehabilitation service to different segments of the society in these extraordinary times, functions as a safe harbor with its faith practices and satisfactory solutions in the dimension of emotion. It is a fact that the formations, also called New Religious Movements, that emerged as a reaction to modernity and the mainstream religious tradition, were also affected by the Covid-19 epidemic process. In this article, the approaches of these religious formations against the Covid-19 global epidemic and the effects of the epidemic on the religious activities of these movements are analyzed sociologically. It is seen that Jehovah's Witnesses, Mormons and Seventh-day Adventists, who are the subject of this study, comply with the measures taken to protect public health in the countries and local areas where they operate. It is observed that they make reference to their own Holy Book and religious doctrines while complying with these rules. The Scientology Church, on the other hand, has shown a similar reflex with the others regarding the measures taken regarding the epidemic, although it does not carry the traces of traditional religion. Another issue determined in the study is that these religious organizations, which are the subject of the study, state that they attach importance to treatment, that they are not against vaccination, and that getting vaccinated is an individual preference. It is even seen that they encourage their members to be vaccinated by taking into account human and public health.

Atıf Yapanlar
Bilgi: Bu yayına herhangi bir atıf yapılmamıştır.
Benzer Makaleler

Turkish Academic Research Review

Alan :   Eğitim Bilimleri; Güzel Sanatlar; İlahiyat; Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler

Dergi Türü :   Uluslararası

Makale : 309
Atıf : 391
İlahiyat Temel Alanı

Güzel Sanatlar Temel Alanı

Sosyal, Beşeri ve İdari Bilimler Temel Alanı

Eğitim Bilimleri Temel Alanı

Turkish Academic Research Review