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 Views 23
Communication and Semiotics: zones of convergence and shared challenges in the study of social sense construction

Abstract This article proposes to present, in a descriptive-analytical dimension, the dialogue between Communication and Semiotics, through the bias of the theory of social discursivity of Eliseo Verón. By treating discourse as a spatiotemporal materiality of meaning, Verón proposed a theoretical and methodological approach to the study of media products from the perspective of the sign in Charles Sanders Peirce and the concept of enunciation. The text indicates, through bibliographic study, that the Theory of Social Discourses encompasses the investigation of the effects of meaning on media enunciations, surpassing mechanistic approaches. Finally, it points out that Communication and Semiotics share an intersection zone constituted by concerns with the social production of meaning and the construction of reality. In this context, the circulation modalities of the current mediatized society draw perspectives and challenges to the interface between them.


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Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 791