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  Citation Number 5
 Views 62
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Hz. Fatıma Mevlidi Ve Vesiletü'n-Necat İle Mukayesesi
Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi

In this study, maw[id was studied asa kind of religious-literary forms dealing with prophet Muhammed. However tradition of writing mawlid and about the. kind of mawlid in classical Turkish literature was shortfy introduced. One of the first mawlid in classical. Turkish literature is Vasilat al-nacat that was _written by Süleyman Çelebi. At the same time, there are many texts of mawlid in turkish language for · prophet Muhammed. Süleyman Çelebi deeply affected following other . Turkish poets that wrote mawlid. · There are mevlid texts that was written for some persons expect for prophet Muhammed iri Turkish classical literature. One of these mawlid texts is Fatıma's mawlid that was written by . Turkish poet Es'ad Erbili. This mawlid is aböut to Fatıma that is daughter- of prophet Muhammed. In this paper, retleetion of Fatıma on dassical · Turkish literature was shortly touched on. The text of Fatıma's Mawlid was transeribed and also presented. Comparison of Fatıma's mawlid and Vasilat al-nacat was accomplished in terms of shape and content


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Cumhuriyet İlahiyat Dergisi

Field :   İlahiyat

Journal Type :   Uluslararası

Article : 1.240
Cite : 2.765
Basic Field of Theology

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