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Investigation of structure-activity relationships with molecular docking for some antiepileptic drugs and voltage-gated calcium (CaV) channels
Kastamonu Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi

In the study, the active drugs molecules used in the treatment of convulsive seizures occurring in epilepsy disease were used. These molecules; Vigabatrin, Lokosamidin, Zonisamide, Oxcarbazepine, Levetiracetam, Tiagabin, Topiramate, Lamotrigine, Gabapentin, Felbamate, Ethosuximide, Valproic Acid, Mesuximide, Ethotoin, Primidone, Trimethadion, Phenytoin, Remasemide, Mephenytoin. These molecules have been selected considering the physiopathological mechanisms of action of epilepsy. Since the selected molecules are used as a potential antiepileptic agent, they were deemed suitable for molecular insertion studies. In addition, voltage-gated calcium channels, which play an important role in epilepsy, are emphasized. Voltage-gated calcium channels (CaV) act by providing the flow of Ca+ ions during the action potential that triggers seizure formation, and among the ten subtypes of voltage-gated calcium (CaV) channels, CaV3.1- CaV3.3, T-type or abnormal activities are associated with epilepsy, psychiatric form the associated low-voltage-activated subfamily. For this reason, the PDB ID: 6KZP receptor, which acts as an antagonist according to its activity on the channel in the formation of epileptic seizures, was chosen for the molecular insertion study. As a result of molecular placement studies; Oxcarbazepine and Phenytoin gave the best binding affinity for 6KZP with a value of -7.5 kcal/mol. Other results are in descending order (in kcal/mol); Tiagabine (-7.4), Mesuximide (-7.3), Primidone (-7.1), Remacemide (-7.0), Topiramate (-6.9) Mephenytoin (-6.7), Lomotrigine and Ethotoin (-6.4), Locosamide and Zonisamide (-6.1) , Felbamate (-6.0), Levetiracetam and Gabapentin (-5.4), Esuximide (-5.1), Valproic Acid (-4.9), Trimethadione (-4.7), Vigabatrin (-4.4) determined as.


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Kastamonu Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi

Field :   Fen Bilimleri ve Matematik; Mühendislik

Journal Type :   Ulusal

Article : 88
Cite : 251
Basic Field of Science and Mathematics

Basic Field of Engineering

Kastamonu Üniversitesi Mühendislik ve Fen Bilimleri Dergisi