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31 Mart 2019 Yerel Seçimlerinde Ankara ve İzmir Büyükşehir Belediye Başkan Adaylarının Twitter Kullanımları Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir Analiz

BAŞLIK: 31 Mart 2019 Yerel Seçimlerinde Ankara Ve İzmir Büyükşehir Belediye Başkan Adaylarının Twitter Kullanımları Üzerine Karşılaştırmalı Bir Analiz ÖZ: Siyasi partiler, liderler ve diğer siyasi aktörler seçim kampanyaları süresince çeşitli iletişim araç ve teknikleriyle kamuoyunun siyasi tercihlerini etkilemeye çalışırlar. Sosyal medyanın henüz siyasal iletişimde kullanılmadığı dönemlerde radyo, televizyon ve gazete gibi geleneksel kitle iletişim araçları siyasal iletişimin vazgeçilmez araçları konumundaydı. Ancak internetin 2000’li yıllardan itibaren yaygınlaşmasıyla siyasal iletişimde yeni bir dönem başlamış ve geleneksel kitle iletişim araçlarının siyasal iletişimdeki belirleyici rolü sona ermiştir. Günümüzde siyasal iletişimin en önemli unsurlarından birini de sosyal medya oluşturmaktadır. İnternetin ve akabinde sosyal medyanın yaygın kullanımıyla siyasi aktörler çok geniş kitlelere mesajlarını iletebilmektedirler. Geleneksel kitle iletişim araçlarına göre maliyet, hız, yaygınlık gibi avantajlara sahip olması, sosyal medyanın kullanım ve etki alanını her geçen gün genişletmektedir. Bu çalışmada 31 Mart 2019 Yerel Seçimlerinde Ankara ve İzmir’de Büyükşehir Belediye Başkanlığına aday gösterilen siyasi aktörlerin bir siyasal iletişim uzamı olarak sosyal medya kullanımları Twitter örneği üzerinden incelenmiştir. Çalışmada öncelikle adayların paylaşım sayıları ve paylaşım teknikleri nicel analizle belirlenmiştir. Ardından adayların paylaşımlarında hangi konulara öncelik verdiği karşılaştırmalı olarak analiz edilmiştir. Böylece 2019 Yerel Seçimlerinde Ankara ve İzmir Büyükşehir Belediye Başkan Adaylarının Twitter’i nasıl ve hangi sıklıkta kullandığı ve adayların önem atfettiği öncelikli konular somutlaştırılmış ve sosyal medya kullanım pratikleri açısından adaylar arasında bir mukayese yapılabilmesine imkân sağlanmıştır. Araştırmanın sonucunda adayların Twitter’i bir siyasal iletişim uzamı olarak değerlendirdiklerini, sayıları değişmekle birlikte genel olarak hemen her kategoride paylaşımda bulunduklarını, Twitter’in teknik özelliklerine hâkim olduklarını ve paylaşım içeriklerine uygun olarak bu özelliklerden üst düzeyde yararlandıklarını ifade etmek mümkündür.  Ayrıca bir siyasal iletişim uzamı olarak sosyal medyanın siyasi aktörlerin seçmen kitlelerine kendilerini ifade edebilmeleri için önemli bir alternatif olmakla birlikte politik başarıya etkisinin tek başına belirleyici olmadığı da araştırmanın bir diğer önemli bulgusudur. ANAHTAR KELİMELER: Siyasal İletişim, 31 Mart Yerel Seçimleri, Başkan Adayları, Sosyal Medya, Twitter.   ABSTRACT: A Comparatıve Analysis of Twitter Use of The President Candidates of Ankara And Izmir Metropolitan Municipality In The Local Elections of 31 March 2019   Political parties, leaders and other political actors try to influence the political preferences of the public through various communication tools and techniques during the election campaigns. In times when social media were not yet used in political communication, traditional mass media such as radio, television and newspapers were indispensable tools of political communication. However, with the spread of the internet since the 2000s, a new era began in political communication and the decisive role of traditional mass media in political communication ended. Today, one of the most important elements of political communication is social media. With the widespread use of the Internet and subsequent social media, political actors are able to communicate their message to a wide audience. Having advantages such as cost, speed and prevalence compared to traditional mass media is expanding the usage and impact area of social media with each passing day. In this study, the use of social media as a political communication space of the political actors nominated as mayors of the Metropolitan Municipality in Ankara and İzmir in the March 31, 2019 Local Elections was examined through the Twitter example. In the study, first of all, the number of shares and the sharing techniques of the candidates were determined by quantitative analysis. Then, the issues that the candidates gave priority in their sharing were analyzed comparatively. In this way, how and how often the candidates of the Mayor of Ankara and İzmir Metropolitan Municipality used Twitter in the Local Elections of 2019 and the priority issues that the candidates attach importance to were materialized and a comparison was made between the candidates in terms of social media usage practices. As a result of the research, it is possible to state that the candidates evaluate Twitter as a political communication space, although their numbers vary, they generally share in almost all categories, that they have mastered the technical characteristics of Twitter and that they benefit from these features at a high level. In addition, it is another important finding of the study that social media as a political communication space is an important alternative for political actors to express themselves to the voter masses, but the effect on political success alone is not decisive. KEYWORDS: Political Communication, March 31 Local Elections, Presidential Candidates, Social Media, Twitter. KAYNAKÇA:   Acar, E. (2012). “Sosyal medyada 12 Haziran genel seçimleri. hepimiz globaliz”. hepimiz globaliz hepimiz yereliz. Ed. Edibe Sözen. İstanbul: Alfa Yayınları. Aziz, A. (2006). Televizyon ve radyo yayıncılığı. Ankara: Turhan Kitabevi. Aziz, A. (2010). İletişime giriş. İstanbul: Hiper Link Yayınları. Bayraktutan, G, Binark, M, Çomu, T, Doğu, B, İslamoğlu, G, Aydemir, A,  (2014). Siyasal iletişim sürecinde sosyal medya ve Türkiye’de 2011 genel seçimlerinde Twitter kullanımı. Bilig , (68), 59-96. Çobanoğlu, Ş. (2007). Suskunluk sarmalı ve siyasal iletişim. İstanbul: Fide Yayınları. Devran, Y. (2003). Siyasal kampanya yönetimi. İstanbul: And Yayınları. Dostie-Goulet, E. (2009). Social networks and the development of political interest. Journal of Youth Studies, 12 (4), 405-421. Erdoğan, İ. (2012). Pozitivist metodoloji ve ötesi, araştırma tasarımları, niteliksel ve istatistiksel yöntemler. Ankara: Erk Yayınları. Fidan, Z. ve Özer, N. P. (2014). Siyasi partilerin siyasal iletişim aracı olarak  web sayfalarını kullanımı. Gümüşhane Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Elektronik Dergisi, 2 (4), 211-233. Güçdemir, Y. ve Göksu, O. (2015). Sosyal medyanın siyasal iletişim aracı olarak kullanımı: Barack Obama'nın 2012 Başkanlık seçim kampanyası ile Recep Tayyip Erdoğan'ın 2014 Cumhurbaşkanlığı seçim kampanyasının incelenmesi. Filiz A. (Ed.) İletişim Çalışmaları içinde. İstanbul: Derin Yayınları. Güven, H. (2006). Radyo program yapımı ve radyo yapımcılığı. Ankara: İmaj Kitabevi. Güz, N. (2005). Haberde yönlendirme ve kamuoyu araştırmaları. Ankara: Nobel Yayın Dağıtım. Güz, N, Yegen, C. ve Aydın, B. O. (2019). Dijital propaganda ve politik başarı: 24 Haziran 2018 Cumhurbaşkanlığı seçiminin Twitter analizi. Erciyes İletişim Dergisi, 6 (2), 1461-1482. Kılıç, N. (2019). Geleneksel medya ile yeni medyanın karşılaştırılması: kuramsal bir analiz çalışması. Sosyal Bilimler Dergisi (Sobider), 6 (36), 227-239. Manovich, L. (2006). “What is New Media”. Hassan, R and Thomas, J. (Ed.) The New Media Theory Reader içinde, (pp.5-10). London: Open University Press. Mayfıeld, A. (2008). What is Social Media? e‐book, s. 6. http://www.icrossing.co.uk/fileadmin/uploads/eBooks/What_is_Social_Media_iCrossing_ebook.pdf.    Erişim Tarihi: 24.05.2019. McLuhan, M. (1962). Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man, Canada: University of Toronto Press. Mutlu, E. (2012). İletişim sözlüğü. Ankara: Sofos Yayınları. Onat, F. ve Okmeydan, C. K. (2015). Politik halkla ilişkilerde sosyal medya kullanımı: 30 Mart 2014 yerel seçimleri ve 10 Ağustos 2014 Cumhurbaşkanlığı seçimleri. Akdeniz Üniversitesi İletişim Fakültesi Dergisi, 23, 79-94. Özerkan, Ş. ve İnceoğlu, Y. (1997). İletişimde etkileme süreci. İstanbul: Pan Yayıncılık. Tokgöz, O. (2000). Temel gazetecilik. Ankara: İmge Kitabevi. Toprak, A, Binark, M. ve Yıldırım, A. (2009). Toplumsal paylaşım ağı Facebook- görülüyorum öyleyse varım!. İstanbul: Kalkedon Yayınları. Yaşın, C. (2006). Siyasal kampanya yönetiminde bütüncül yaklaşım. Selçuk Üniversitesi Sosyal Bilimler Enstitüsü Dergisi, 15, 631-650. Yaylagül, L. (2008). Kitle iletişim kuramları egemen ve eleştirel yaklaşımlar. Ankara: Dipnot Yayınları. Dijilopedi, https://dijilopedi.com /2019-turkiye-internet-kullanim-ve- sosyal-medya-  istatistikleri Erişim Tarihi: 05.05.2019. Özhaseki, M. (2019). https://twitter.com/mehmetozhaseki Erişim Tarihi: 17.05.2019. Soyer, T. (2019). https://twitter.com/tuncsoyer Erişim Tarihi: 20.05.2019. TRT Haber, https://secim2019.trthaber.com Erişim Tarihi 12. 05. 2019. Yavaş, M. (2019). https://twitter.com/mansuryavas06 Erişim Tarihi: 15.05.2019. Yüksek Seçim Kurulu, http://www.ysk.gov.tr/doc/dosyalar/docs/2019 MahalliIdareler/ 2019 Buyuksehir-AdayListesi.pdf Erişim Tarihi: 10.05.2019. Zeybekçi, N. (2019). https://twitter.com/ZeybekciNihat Erişim Tarihi: 20.05.2019.    

Anahtar Kelimeler:

31 Mart 2019 Yerel Seci̇mleri̇nde Ankara ve İzmi̇r Buyuksehi̇r Beledi̇ye Baskan Adaylarinin Twi̇tter Kullanimlari Uzeri̇ne Karsilastirmali Bi̇r Anali̇z

A Comparative Analysis on Twitter Uses of Ankara and İzmir Metropolitan Mayor Candidates at Local Elections: Political parties, leaders and other political actors try to influence the political preferences of the public through various means and techniques of communication during the election campaigns. In the times when social media was not yet used in political communication, traditional mass media, such as radio, television and newspapers, were the indispensable means of political communication. But with the spread of the internet since the 2000s, a new era in political communication has begun and the decisive role of traditional mass media in political communication has ended. Today, one of the most important elements of political communication is social media. With the widespread use of the Internet and the social media, political actors can transmit their messages to a very broad audience. Having advantages, such as cost, speed, spreadness, according to traditional mass communication means, expands the use and influence of social media every day. In this study, on 31 March 2019 local elections in Ankara and İzmir, political actors who were nominated for the Metropolitan Municipality were examined using social media as a political communication extent via the Twitter example. In the study, first and foremost, the share numbers of candidates and the sharing techniques were determined by quantum analysis. Then the comparison was analyzed in which subjects the candidates shared priority. Thus, in the 2019 local elections, the topics of how and how often the Ankara and İzmir Metropolitan Mayor's candidates used Twitter and the candidates attributed importance were concrete and a comparison between the candidates was made possible in terms of social media use practices. The research finds that candidates consider Twitter a political communication range, that they are shared in every category in general while the numbers are changing, that they dominate the technical features of Twitter and that they have the greatest benefit of these features in accordance with their content. Also, as a political communication sphere, social media is an important alternative for political actors to express themselves to the voter masses, but the influence on political success is not determining alone, it is another important conclusion of the research. Keywords: Political Communications, March 31 Local Elections, Candidates for President, Social Media, Twitter.   ABSTRACT: A Comparative and Analysis of Twitter Use of The President Candidates of Ankara And Izmir Metropolitan Municipality In The Local Elections of 31 March 2019 Political parties, leaders and other political actors try to influence the political preferences of the public through various communication tools and techniques during the election campaigns. In times when social media were not yet used in political communication, traditional mass media such as radio, television and newspapers were indispensable tools of political communication. However, with the spread of the internet since the 2000s, a new era began in political communication and the decisive role of traditional mass media in political communication ended. Today, one of the most important elements of political communication is social media. With the widespread use of the Internet and subsequent social media, political actors are able to communicate their message to a wide audience. Having advantages such as cost, speed and prevalence compared to traditional mass media is expanding the use and impact area of social media with each passing day. In this study, the use of social media as a political communication space of the political actors nominated as mayors of the Metropolitan Municipality in Ankara and İzmir in the March 31, 2019 Local Elections was examined through the Twitter example. In the study, first of all, the number of shares and the sharing techniques of the candidates were determined by quantitative analysis. Then, the issues that the candidates gave priority in their sharing were analyzed comparatively. In this way, how and how often the candidates of the Mayor of Ankara and İzmir Metropolitan Municipality used Twitter in the Local Elections of 2019 and the priority issues that the candidates attach importance to were materialized and a comparison was made between the candidates in terms of social media use practices. As a result of the research, it is possible to state that the candidates evaluate Twitter as a political communication space, although their numbers vary, they generally share in almost all categories, that they have mastered the technical characteristics of Twitter and that they benefit from these features at a high level. In addition, it is another important finding of the study that social media as a political communication space is an important alternative for political actors to express themselves to the voter masses, but the effect on political success alone is not decisive. Keywords: Political Communication, March 31 Local Elections, Presidential Candidates, Social Media, Twitter. Source: Acar, E. (2012) "The 12th of June general elections in social media. We are all globalized.” We are all globalised. by Ed. Say to Edith. Istanbul: The Alfa Publications. The Holy A. in 2006 . Television and radio broadcasting. The Book of Turhan. The Holy A. in 2010). Entrance to Communication. New York: Hyperlink Publications. Bayraktutan, G, Binark, M, Çomu, T, East, B, Islamoglu, G, Aydemir, A, (2014). The use of social media in the political communication process and Twitter in the 2011 general elections in Turkey. It is known, (68), 59-96. The cowboy, S. in 2007 . Communications and political communication. Istanbul: The Fide Publications. The Devran, Y in 2003 . Political Campaign Management. Istanbul: and the publications. Dostie-Goulet by E. (2009) Social networks and the development of political interests. Journal of Youth Studies, 12 (4), 405-421. by Erdoğan, I. and (2012) Positivist methodology and beyond, research designs, qualitative and statistical methods. Ankara: The publication. Fidan, Z. and Özer, N. P. (2014). The use of political parties’ web pages as a means of political communication. Electronic Journal of the Faculty of Communications of Silverhane University, 2 (4), 211-233. He is power, he is heaven, he is heaven. The 2015 (2015). Use of social media as a means of political communication: the study of Barack Obama’s 2012 presidential election campaign and Recep Tayyip Erdoğan’s 2014 presidential election campaign. by Phil A. and Ed.) Communications in the work. Istanbul: Deep publications. I am confident, H. (2006) Radio programming and radio production. Anonymous: The Book of Images. It was N. (2005). News and public research. The Nobel Broadcasting Distribution. Güz, N, Yegen, C. and Clear, B. O. and (2019). Digital propaganda and political success: Twitter analysis of the 24th June 2018 presidential election. Erciyes Communications Magazine, 6 (2), 1461-1482. The Sword (2019) Comparison of traditional media with new media: a theoretical analysis study. Journal of Social Sciences (Sobider), 6 (36), 227-239. Manovich, L. (2006) “What is New Media?” Hassan, R and Thomas, J. and Ed.) In The New Media Theory Reader, (pp.5-10). The Open University Press. by A. A. in 2008 . What is Social Media? e-book, p. 6 http://www.icrossing.co.uk/fileadmin/uploads/eBooks/What_is_Social_Media_iCrossing_ebook.pdf.    Date of access: 24.05.2019. McLuhan, M. in 1962. Gutenberg Galaxy: The Making of Typographic Man, Canada: University of Toronto Press. I am happy, E (2012) The Communication Dictionary. The Sofos Publications. Onat, F. and Okmeydan, C. K. (2015). Use of social media in political public relations: local elections of 30 March 2014 and presidential elections of 10 August 2014. The Mediterranean University Faculty of Communications magazine, 23, 79-94. And the Lord, and the Lord, and the in 1997). Effects in communication. Istanbul: Pan Publication. and he is. and (2000). The Basic Journalism. Anonymous: The Book of Imge. Earth, A, Binark, M. and Lightning, A. in 2009 . I have a social network of social media, so I am here. Istanbul: The Kalkedon Publications. The age, C. (2006) A comprehensive approach to political campaign management. Selçuk University Institute of Social Sciences magazine, 15, 631-650. It was L. (2008). The mass communication theories are dominant and critical approaches. Ancient: The Dipnot Publications. Diilopedi, https://dijilopedi.com /2019-Turkey-internet-usage-and- social-media- statistics Date of access: 05.05.2019. It was M. (2019). HTTPS://twitter.com/mehmetozhaseki Date of access: 17.05.2019. Soyer and T. (2019). HTTPS://twitter.com/tuncsoyer Date of access: 20.05.2019. TRT News, https://secim2019.trthaber.com Date of access 12. by 05. in 2019. Slowly, M. (2019) HTTPS://twitter.com/mansuryavas06 Date of access: 15.05.2019. The High Election Board, http://www.ysk.gov.tr/doc/file/docs/2019 LocalEdit/ 2019 Buyuksehir-AdayList.pdf Date of access: 10.05.2019. by Zeybekçi, N. (2019). HTTPS://twitter.com/ZeybekciNihat Date of access: 20.05.2019.

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