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  Atıf Sayısı 4
 Görüntüleme 109
 İndirme 36
Ondokuz Mayıs University Journal of Sports and Performance Researches

Abstract enThe aim of this study is to determine the Q angle of the individuals who play sports and those who do not and to examine the relationship with gender, some physical parameters and playing sport levels. 158 students from 19 Mayıs University Yaşar Doğu Faculty of Sport Sciences and 144 sedentary students studying at different departments in Giresun University participated in this study. The students who play sports were divided into two groups as amateurs and professionals. The participants who had knee injuries in the past were included in the study. The Q angle, Pelvic Width, Femoral Skinfold and Femur Length of the participants were measured. Whether these values differed from men to women, and whether they differed among amateur athletes, professional athletes and sedentary students was investigated by the study. Whether there was a relation between gender, height, body weight, and playing or not playing sports and the Q angle, Pelvic Width, Femoral Skinfold and Femur Length values was also studied. It was found that the Q angle, Pelvic Width, Femoral Skinfold and Femur Length were statistically different between women and men (p <0.01). The Q values of women were found to be higher than those of men (p<0.01). The Q angle values (p<0.05) of both men and women sedentary students were higher than those of the athletes (p<0.01). It was found that gender and the Q angle had a moderately significant (r=0.519) relationship (p<0.01). It was also found that gender and "femoral skinfold" had a moderate (r=0.591) relationship (p<0.01). A weak relationship (r=-0.179) was found between the Q angle and playing sports (p<0.01). As a result, it was found that the Q angle decreased in relation with the growing amount of sports and exercise. It is considered that various knee problems such as patellofemoral pain syndrome and patellar dislocation and a directly related high level Q angle can be relatively decreased by doing exercises and playing sports regularly

Anahtar Kelimeler:

Examination of the relationship between the athletes and satellites with the Q opening and the basic physical characteristics

The aim of this study is to determine the Q angle of the individuals who play sports and those who do not and to examine the relationship with gender, some physical parameters and playing sports levels. 158 students from 19 May University Living Eastern Faculty of Sports Sciences and 144 sedentary students studying at different departments in Giresun University participated in this study. The students who play sports were divided into two groups as amateurs and professionals. The participants who had knee injuries in the past were included in the study. The Q angle, Pelvic Width, Femoral Skinfold and Femur Length of the participants were measured. Whether these values differed from men to women, and whether they differed among amateur athletes, professional athletes and sedentary students were investigated by the study. Whether there was a relationship between gender, height, body weight, and playing or not playing sports and the Q angle, Pelvic Width, Femoral Skinfold and Femur Length values was also studied. It was found that the Q angle, Pelvic Width, Femoral Skinfold and Femur Length were statistically different between women and men (p <0.01). The Q values of women were found to be higher than those of men (p<0.01). The Q angle values (p<0.05) of both men and women sedentary students were higher than those of the athletes (p<0.01). It was found that gender and the Q angle had a moderately significant (r=0.519) relationship (p<0. and 01). It was also found that gender and "femoral skinfold" had a moderate (r=0.591) relationship (p<0.01). A weak relationship (r=-0.179) was found between the Q angle and playing sports (p<0.01). As a result, it was found that the Q angle decreased in relation to the growing amount of sports and exercise. It is considered that various knee problems such as patellofemoral pain syndrome and patellar dislocation and a directly related high level Q angle can be relatively decreased by doing exercises and playing sports regularly

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Benzer Makaleler

Ondokuz Mayıs University Journal of Sports and Performance Researches
Ondokuz Mayıs University Journal of Sports and Performance Researches