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  Atıf Sayısı 16
 Görüntüleme 18
Sosyal Medya Mecralarında Mahremiyet Anlayışının Dönüşümü
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Using internet for social purposes took start with the arrival of virtual chat softwares such as ICR, ICQ, Microsoft Messenger and has become widespread by the arrival of Facebook that is founded in 2004 and has created the current sense of social media. Facebook -the most popular social media platform in Turkey- has become one of the important aspects of everyday life and sharing what they are doing and what they are reacting towards various events at the said platform, has become an usual behavior for people. Through Facebook accounts, people make their own lives public voluntarily. In that case, has social media that differs from traditional media in the sense of exceeding the limits of time and space and bringing instantaneity to communication feedback, caused erosion of “boundaries of privacy” to the extent that no other medium can ever do? Adressing social media in the context of “erosion of the boundaries of privacy” is the emphasis point of the study. While researcher’s own Facebook account is the scope of the study, content analysis are made by examining various “personal” posts seen on main page and shared by friends’ accounts on the selected four-day time period.

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