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 Görüntüleme 14
Is silicone stent insertion a clinically useful option for tracheobronchomalacia?
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Özet :

Background/aim: Tracheobronchomalacia (TBM) leads to the obstruction of expiratory airflow and interference with secretion clearance. Stabilization of the airway wall using a silicon stent or laser coagulation of the posterior wall may be treatment options.1397645907This study aimed to retrospectively analyze which interventional bronchoscopic method could be used to provide airway stabilization and gain control of symptoms and for whom this method could be used. Materials and methods: Fifteen patients who had received treatment in our interventional pulmonology unit were analyzed. We analyzed the techniques used, stent duration, complications, and long-term treatment success retrospectively. Results: Stents were used in 10 patients: 4 patients had silicon Y-stents and 4 patients had silicon tracheal stents. Stents were removed due to early migration in 3 patients. In 5 of the 71397645907cases, the stent was removed due to frequent obstructions of the stent due to recurrent severe mucostasis. A suitable stent was not found for one patient who had an extremely enlarged trachea. Good clinical results were achieved in just two cases. The frequency of admissions to the emergency room and hospitalizations were diminished during the follow-up time in these two patients. Conclusion: Silicon stents may be a good treatment option in selected patients with TBM and dynamic collapse. However, our patients were high-risk; thus, the criteria for candidates for bronchoscopic treatment should be carefully defined.

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