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Perlindungan Hukum Dan Pelestarian Tradisi Siat Yeh Banjar Teba Desa Adat Jimbaran
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Abstract :

The purpose of this study was to identify and analyze the authority of the Jimbaran Traditional Village regarding efforts to protect the law and preserve the Siat Yeh tradition and efforts to protect the law and preserve the Siat Yeh tradition carried out by the Jimbaran Traditional Village. The type of research used in this article is empirical legal research which is carried out by examining the facts that occur in a problem. As well as using interviews as the main data. Based on the results of the research, the following conclusions can be formulated: Jimbaran Traditional Village has authority in legal protection and tradition preservation based on the provisions of the 1945 Constitution, the Culture Promotion Law, and the Regional Regulations on Traditional Villages in Bali; and With the authority that belongs to the Jimbaran Traditional Village to protect the law and preserve the Siat Yeh tradition in the form of making pararem banjars, taking an inventory of traditions through the cultural service, and invalidating them in inscriptions.