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 Görüntüleme 16
 İndirme 2
Industrial use of food waste
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Food waste is one of the issues whose significance is increasing day by day in the global arena and has become a problem in many environmental, economic, and social areas. Wastes, such as fertilizer and water spent, during the production phase, occupation of the soil, time and effort spent in transportation and cooking processes, pollution of the natural environment, and the risk of not being able to obtain enough food in the future are some of these problems. Recycling, reusing, and minimizing food waste are important for a sustainable life. In this study, the use of waste food in different industrial areas (e.g., health, fashion, gastronomy, fertilizer production, natural preservatives, paint industry, bioplastic, packaging, biodiesel production, and cosmetics) was investigated. The data obtained in the present study were collected and compiled by literature review from secondary sources. It is expected that this study will be a basis for preventing uncertainties about food waste and for waste management practices.

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