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 Görüntüleme 47
 İndirme 1
Influence of Soil Tillage Systems on Rapeseed Production Parameters and on the Numerical Density of Pest Complex
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Özet :

Brassica rapa L. is one of the most common plant cultivated in Europe. The farmers from Ungheni area (Mureș, Romania) reported the attack of pest complex in rapeseed culture in the 2021 year. For that, two soil tillage systems  were estabilished to reduce the pests complex and to increase the rapeseed production. The results  indicated that is recommanded to apply two different tillage sistems at 5 parcels. First ot them was the conventional tillage, with plough and the other one was reduced tillage, with cultivator. For monitoring the growth stage and the pests percentage, 20 rapeseed plants were selected from each parcel. The pests idenification taked place at the Entomology Discipline and the plants grown stage and production parameters were analyzed at Agrotehnical Discipline, at University of Agricultural Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Cluj-Napoca. In the conventional tillage the average of plants reported with pests was about 55% and the maximum number of adults/plant was 7 (field 2). In the minimum tillage, the average of plants reported with pests was about 15 % and the maximum number of adults/plant was 2. In the fields with plough, the production was about 3200 kg/ha and in those with cultivator, the production was about 4400 kg/ha.

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