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Domestic Capital Flow VS Foreign Capital InFlow in Nigeria: Which One Matter Most?
Yazar :  
Özet :

The path to achieving economic expansion as well as the ultimate economic development is the greatest macroeconomic goal sought after by all global economies. Traditionally, these resources are classified as labour and capital. Therefore, we focus on the capital factor and its impact on economic advancement. This study classifies the capital resource capital into two categories namely domestic and foreign capital and to compare their respective influence on economic expansion. The results show that domestic capital is more influential in promoting the cause of economic expansion whereas external debt demonstrates the serious level of threat to the course of economic expansion in Nigeria. Thus, this study recommends the need for the authority concern to look inward in resolving it economic challenges through domestic mobilization of resources . Sourcing for external capital should strictly take the form of FDI and foreign aids to augment the domestic capital for economic reasons with the view to expand the productive capacity of the economy.

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