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A Single Source Thirteen Level Switched Capacitor Boost Inverter for PV applications
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Abstract :

This work proposes a module unit (MU) based single-source thirteen-level inverter (SSTLI) for solar PV applications. The proposed topology is 13-level design with single MU and 1.5 voltage gain. This work describes its operational modes at various output levels. Due to their symmetric functioning within a cycle, two capacitors were series-connected. with MU may achieve self-voltage balancing, which reduces complexity of control compared to typical Multilevel inverters (MLIs). The single-source generalized structure with additional MUs can be utilized in order to boost voltage levels for the output. With more MU, voltage gain increases, in addition the output levels are greatly enhanced. The merits of the proposed SSTLI are fewer components, self-balance, voltage stress. A comparison between proposed topology and other MLIs is shown in this work. To determine viability and dynamic performance of proposed SSTLI, MATLAB simulation results are presented for dynamic values of Modulation Index (M) for different loads along with the harmonic analysis. Experimental results also have been presented for the practicality of SSTLI topology.

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