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 Görüntüleme 32
Message from Editor in chief
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Özet :

Dear reader, Thank you for showing interest in the Volume 17 Number 2, February 2022 issue of our Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences (CJES). This publication aimed to present current methods of teaching and the responses of the stakeholders regarding the new methods. Based on the aim of this issue, 26 standard articles were selected. The selected papers were authored by researchers from Turkey, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Pakistan, Egypt, Kosova, Kazakhstan, Spain, Northern Cyprus and Russia. Some of the selected papers include the following: The attitude of teachers toward students’ self-assessment of educational achievements in inclusive education lessons; Analysis of factors affecting lecturer performance at a university during the COVID-19 pandemic using logistic regression and genetic algorithms; Formation of students’ communicative competence through game technology; Results of actualization learning basic training participants and evaluation of performance trainer and committee; Teachers’ professional development through the education practicum: A proposal for university-school collaboration; School connectedness instrument’s testing with the Rasch model for high school students during the COVID-19 pandemic. Dear reader, we trust that this publication would serve the needs of both practitioners and researchers. Thus, it is a useful investment of your time. We would therefore like to commend the efforts of all the contributors to this publication. Dear reader, enjoy reading!!  Best regards, Prof. Dr. Özge Hacifazlioglu, Hasan Kalyoncu University, Turkey (Editor-in-Chief).

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