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 Görüntüleme 31
Two countries at same parellel in solar energy productions: USA and Turkey
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Energy is a basic necessity after the industrial revolution in our lives. Energy demand is increasing with the development of technology from day by day. Humanity has head towards to the alternative energy sources. Therefore, alternative energy must have renewable sources. This situation can be supply a significant benefit for future energy demand. These resources play an important role in meeting the demand and provide significant benefits in terms of economic and environmental protection. Among the renewable energy sources have taken an important place like hydroelectric power plants, wind turbines, geothermal energy, wave energy, biomass energy, rock gas, etc. However, solar energy is the biggest renewable energy potential most countries in the world. Various countries around the world use renewable energies solar energy and photovoltaic panel technology to choose energy production and increasing the production potentials day by day. In this study, samples will be compared to the United States and Turkey in energy production from solar energy.

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