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Taking Care of Life from Amazonian Indigenous Cosmogony: Implications for Teaching Biology as a Cultural Practice
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Abstract :

In Colombia–South America, there is an urgent need to address educational processes in culturally diverse contexts that permeate the understanding and contribution to the training of teachers in situated processes, because this is a multi-ethnic and multicultural country. From this perspective, we present the results of an investigation that analyzed the biology degree projects of Indigenous students from La Chorrera (Amazonas) at the National Pedagogical University of Colombia, in order to characterize the different epistemological and ontological aspects that underlie them and as a way of guiding the initial training of teachers. The methodological perspective of this research is critical hermeneutics, using documentary analysis as a strategy. As for the theoretical foundation, it is oriented from the approaches of critical inter-culturality and epistemological pluralism. In a nutshell, it is necessary to think about the teaching of biology as a cultural practice, which places in the debate the place of biology as a science of life and the living, its relationship with the contexts of students and the possibilities of empowering knowledge for the defense of territories and life itself. This implies the idea that as human beings we are constructed in relation to other organisms; hence, the importance of understanding the living from life, allowing respect for all forms of life and forging a world where there is room for biological, cultural, epistemic, and ontological diversity.

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