Çanakkale Deniz Savaşlarında görev alan Cevat (Çobanlı) Paşa’nın tarihe 18 Mart kahramanı olarak yazılması O’nun askeri ve stratejik başarısıdır. Bu çalışmada Çanakkale cephesinde özellikle deniz savaşlarında görev alan Cevat Paşa’nın faaliyetlerine yer verilmiştir. Araştırmada, Çanakkale’de I.Dünya Savaşında Osmanlı ordusunun verdiği başarılı mücadelede Cevat Paşa’nın rolü ortaya konulmaya çalışılmıştır. Ayrıca Cevat Paşa’nın bu cephedeki faaliyetleri ve bu dönemle ilgili bazı anılarına yer verilerek, Çanakkale Deniz savaşları Cevat Paşa boyutundan anlatılmıştır Anahtar Kelimeler: Cevat Paşa, Çanakkale, taarruz, savunma, deniz
cevat çobanlı paşa was labelled as 18 march hero thanks to his military and strategic leadership in his duties during the dishkale naval warfare this study is abut the activities of cevat paşa in the dishkale front the study force to identify the role of cevat paşa in the success of the ottoman army in the dishkale during the world war ın addition the study elaborates on the bowl naval warfare from the proxies of the arbitrator vat paşa by putting his feelings and memories to the center of the success of the success of the ottoman army in the world warfare ın addition of the study elaborates on the bells of the bells of the bells of the bells of the church of the church of the church of the church of the church of the church of the church of the church of the church of the church of the church of the church of the church of the church of the church of the church of the bells of the church of the bells of the church of the church of the opening of the church of the church of the church of the church of the church of the church of the church of the church of the church of the
Cevat (Çobanlı) Pasha was labelled as 18 March hero thanks to his military and strategic achievements in his duties during Çanakkale Naval Warfare. This study is about the activities of Cevat Pasha in the Çanakkale Front. The study aims to identify the role of Cevat Pasha in the success of the Ottoman Army in Çanakkale during the World War I. In addition, the study elaborates on the Çanakkale Naval Warfare from the perspective of Cevat Pasha by putting his activities and memories to the centre