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  Citation Number 20
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Lojistik Outsourcing Karar Süreci ve 3PL Firma Seçim Kriterleri
Author :  
Abstract :

Daha yüksek uzmanlık düzeyi ve daha büyük yatırımlar gerektiren işletme fonksiyonları ve bu fonksiyonlarla yakından bağlantılı lojistik faaliyetler günümüzde daha karmaşık bir hal almıştır. Buna ek olarak artan rekabet, işletmelerin öz yetkinlikleri dışında kalan faaliyetlerin daha verimli gerçekleştirilebilmesi için kurulacak stratejik işbirliklerinin gözden geçirilmesini zorunlu kılmaktadır. Bu amaç doğrultusunda dış kaynaklara devredilen firma faaliyetlerinin önemli bir bölümünü “lojistik faaliyetler” oluşturmaktadır. Özellikle büyük ölçekli firmaların lojistik hizmet sağlayıcılar ile yaptıkları stratejik işbirliklerinin incelenmesi, konu ile ilgili aydınlatıcı bilgilere ulaşılmasında önemli rol oynayacaktır. Bu amaçlar doğrultusunda çalışmada dış kaynak kullanımı kavramı incelenerek, işletmeleri lojistik faaliyetlerde dış kaynak kullanımına yönelten nedenler, dış kaynak kullanım karar süreci ve 3PL firma seçim kriterleri incelenmiştir

Keywords :

logistic utsurcing decision process and 3pl company selection criteria
Author :  
Abstract :

business functions requiring higher level of expertise and greater investments and closely linked logistics activities with these functions have become a more complex situation today, in addition to the fact that the increasing competition businesses are forced to review strategic collaborations to be made more efficient than their self competencies, in line with this purpose, the company activities that are transferred to external resources constitute an important part of the “logical activities” especially large-scale companies will play an important role in achieving enlightening information relating to the subject of the research of strategic partnerships with logistic service providers, in line with these purposes, the concept of external resource use and the external logistics process is determined to the use of 3 reasons and 3 reasons for the use of use of the company

Keywords :

Decision Making Process of Logistics Outsourcing and Criteria for 3PL Provider Selection
Author :  
Abstract :

Recently, along with the business functions that necessitate higher expertise level and larger investments; logistics activities, which are intimately related with these functions, have become more complex. In addition, increasing competition requires reviewing the strategic alliances that are to be established for effectively performing the activities outside the companies’ core competencies. For this purpose, evidently “logistics activities” constitute an important part in the outsourced business activities. Examining the strategic alliances especially between large scale companies and professional logistics service providers, will play an important role in gathering information relevant about the subject. For this purpose; in this research, the concept of outsourcing was studied and reasons which lead the companies to outsourcing, outsourcing decision making process and 3PL provider selection criteria of logistics outsourcing were investigated.

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