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  Citation Number 4
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Prediction of Professional Commitment of Teachers by the Job Characteristics of Teaching Profession
Author :  
Abstract :

The purpose of this study is to investigate the predictive value of the characteristics of teaching profession for teachers’ professional commitment to their job. The target population of the research consists of 812 teachers working in public primary and secondary schools in Fatsa district of Ordu. Of the entire target population, 327 teachers are selected by cluster sampling method. Using the correlational survey design, the set data is obtained by using Teaching Job Characteristics and Teachers’ Professional Commitment scales. Results of the study suggest that teachers’ perceptions of job characteristics and their professional commitment levels are very high. Multiple linear regression analysis results suggest that there is a moderate level of positive relation between teachers’ perceptions of job characteristics and professional commitment, commitment to job and commitment to students, and a low level of positive relation between perceptions of job characteristics and devoted work. It is also revealed that job characteristics explain 34% of professional commitment and that the sub-dimensions of job characteristics; teacher competencies, teacher performance feedback and teacher autonomy are significant predictors of professional commitment. It is determined that teachers’ perceptions of job characteristics and general levels of professional commitment do not differ in terms of gender, area and educational level; although the perceptions of job characteristics do not differ in terms of marital status and year of service, the general level of Professional commitment is found to differ in favor of single teachers and teachers with 1-10 years of service

Prediction of Professional Commitment of Teachers by the Job Characteristics of Teaching Profession
Author :  
Abstract :

The purpose of this study is to investigate the predictive value of the characteristics of teaching profession for teachers' professional commitment to their job. The target population of the research consists of 812 teachers working in public primary and secondary schools in Fatsa district of Ardu. Of the entire target population, 327 teachers are selected by cluster sampling method. Using the correlational survey design, the set data is obtained by using Teaching Job Characteristics and Teachers' Professional Commitment scales. Results of the study suggest that teachers' perceptions of job characteristics and their professional commitment levels are very high. Multiple linear regression analysis results suggest that there is a moderate level of positive relationship between teachers' perceptions of job characteristics and professional commitment, commitment to job and commitment to students, and a low level of positive relationship between perceptions of job characteristics and dedicated work. It is also revealed that job characteristics explain 34% of professional commitment and that the sub-dimensions of job characteristics; teacher competencies, teacher performance feedback and teacher autonomy are significant predictors of professional commitment. It is determined that teachers' perceptions of job characteristics and general levels of professional commitment do not differ in terms of gender, area and educational level; although the perceptions of job characteristics do not differ in terms of marital status and year of service, the general level of Professional commitment is found to differ in favor of single teachers and teachers with 1-10 years of service.