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Scoring open-ended items using the fuzzy topsis method and comparing it with traditional approaches
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Abstract :

This study investigates the application of the fuzzy logic method for scoring open-ended items, specifically comparing its effectiveness against traditional scoring methods. Utilizing the fuzzy TOPSIS method within the mathematics domain, this research established seven criteria for evaluating open-ended responses, developed in consultation with three experts. Due to constraints imposed by the pandemic, the study did not proceed with a real-world application; instead, it simulated data for 25 students to compare the rankings derived from traditional and fuzzy logic methods using the MS Excel program. The research produced three distinct rankings using the conventional method and analyzed the correlation between these rankings and those generated by the fuzzy TOPSIS method, employing the Spearman rank correlation coefficient. The findings reveal a significantly positive correlation between the rankings obtained through traditional methods and those acquired via the fuzzy logic approach, suggesting the latter's potential as an effective alternative for evaluating open-ended responses.

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