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Features of Acer negundo L. distribution in forest parks of Ekaterinburg
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Abstract :

The study considers the distribution and features of ecological and biological confinement of Acer negundo L. to the forest parks of Ekaterinburg. The research was carried out in eleven forest parks of Yekaterinburg: Kalinovsky, Karasye-Ozersky, Sanatorny, Malo-Istoksky, Tsentralny, Shartashsky, Yugo-Zapadny, Shuvakishsky, Im. Lesovodov Rossii, Nizhne-Isetsky, Yuzhny - on an area of 10,196 hectares based on the electronic database “ARM Lesfond”, which was created by combining cartographic materials and taxational descriptions of plantings. Sanitary-hygienic, landscape-aesthetic characteristics, stability class, passability and visibility were analyzed. The features of Acer negundo L. introduction in the forest parks of Yekaterinburg were studied for the first time. The largest number of the trees was noted in five forest parks: Im. Lesovodov Rossii, Karasye-Ozersky, Shuvakishsky, Yugo-Zapadny and Tsentralny where maple plantings were concentrated. The greatest expansion of maple was noted in Maloistoksky forest park, where it covers about 97% of the total area, which is associated with the presence of fruit-bearing individuals nearby. Far from urban plantings of ash-leaved maple in large forest parks, it covers an area ranging from only 0.26 to 1.56%. The ecological and coenotic confinement of Acer negundo L. introduction depending on forest type, age of planting and stand density was revealed. The maximum occurrence of maple was established in pine plantations - 79.1%, and this can be considered its ecological optimum, while the minimum - in plantations with balsam poplar - 11.5% and silver birch - 6.1%. Maple habitats depend on the age categories of plantings. In young stands, it covers an area of 1.8%, in middle-aged trees - 16.9%, in high-bonitat plantings - 76.8%. These studies are of scientific interest when monitoring the spread of a naturalized species and obtaining reliable information about its phytocenotic confinement in a new community.

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