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 Görüntüleme 19
Efficiency of index-based selection for potential yield in durum wheat [<em>Triticum turgidum</em> (L.) ssp. <em>turgidum convar. durum</em> (Desf.) Mackey] lines
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of this research is to test breeding material of different geographical origin, and material that is adapted to different agro-climatic regions. This research examines how different wheat genotypes behave in the climatic conditions of the Pannonian Plain, where environmental stress occur more and more frequently. Fifteen divergent wheat genotypes were evaluated for grain yield, heading time and yield components (spike length, grain weight per spike and plant height) across seasons 2017/2018, 2018/2019 and 2019/2020. By applying the ANOVA model, significant differences between tested traits were recorded among the analyzed genotypes. Among the genotypes there was a variability that ranged widely for all tested traits. The coefficient of variation ranged from 5.48% for plant height to 41.03% for grain weight per spike. Correlation analysis showed strong positive relationships between grain yield and grain weight per spike (r=0.87), as well as between plant height and heading time (r=0.65). Principal Component Analysis (PCA) was also applied in order to determine the differences between wheat genotypes. This yield marker study, which was carried out in the Western Balkans, could be very valuable in providing breeders with the information they need to evaluate their breeding programs.