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 Görüntüleme 57
 İndirme 8
The Influence of Pronunciation Education via Artificial Intelligence Technology on Vocabulary Acquisition in Learning English
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Özet :

Abstract Correct pronunciation significantly increases the intelligibility of communication. However, it is uncertain whether acquiring the pronunciation of the words enhances word retention capability. Therefore, the major purpose of this research is to evaluate whether vocabulary acquisition with the aid of pronouncing with artificial intelligence leads to a longer memory. In this research, a full experimental pattern, and a pre-test and post-test control group design were applied. Furthermore, a total of 56 high school students aged between 14-15 were asked to memorize unknown vocabulary with two pronunciation teaching methods. Prior to the experimental process, the pre-test was applied to both groups, and then, the artificial intelligence-based speech recognition pronunciation teaching process was to the experimental group while the phonetic alphabet pronunciation process was to the control group on the 4th, 8th, and 12th weeks. According to the findings, it was obtained that pronunciation practice via artificial intelligence-enabled the words to remain in memory longer. Additionally, the participants’ views were gathered at the end of the research. For further research, this study will benefit other research with a variety of accessible tools to meet objectives by utilizing a new artificial intelligence-supported pronunciation model, through recording and reacting to learners' pronouncing practices in different languages.

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