Tarihin o güne kadar gördüğü en kanlı ve kapsamlı çatışmalarını barındıran Birinci Dünya Savaşı içerisinde önemli bir yer tutan cephe Çanakkale’dir. İtilaf devletlerince Savaşın kanlı gidişine ve uzamasına son vermek için açılan Çanakkale cephesi, planlandığı gibi gitmemiş, İtilaf kuvvetlerinin önce denizde ve sonra da karada yenilgi almaları üzerine Savaşın uzamasına ve daha kanlı olmasına yol açmıştır. İngiltere ve Fransa politikalarına önemli bir darbe alırken, Çarlık Rusya'sı savaşın uzamasına bağlı ağır şartlara dayanamayarak yıkılmıştır. Çanakkale savaşlarının zaferle sonlanması Merkezi Kuvvetlerin genel bir zafer için ümitlerini güçlendirmişse de Amerika Birleşik Devletleri’nin İtilaf güçleri tarafından savaşa girmesi durumu değiştirmiştir. Çanakkale savaşları, yaşadıkları kayıplara rağmen, Türklerin gururla anacağı, tarihlerine övgü dolu satırlarla kaydedecekleri bir savaş olmuştur. Türkler için büyük bir askerî zafer, vatan bilincine değerli bir katkı, millî devlet olma yolunda önemli bir kazanım ve Mustafa Kemal’in geleceğin Türkiye Cumhuriyetini kuran lideri olmasında etkili olmuştur.
the first world war that was the bloodiest and the largest war history had recorded to that date accompanied by many battles some of which took place in dardanelles order to end the bloody battles and shorten the war the allies opened the dardanelles front or because of their defeat in both sea and land the great war lasted longer and became bloodier while france and england experienced the first major impact to their imperialistals and tsarist russia crashed under heavy burden of battles from the victory of the fight against the fight against the defeat of the destruction of the destruction of the mass force of the fight against the fight against the destruction of the fight against the destruction of the destruction of the fights of the destruction of the mass force of the destruction of the fights of the fight against the destruction of the destruction of the victory of the fight against the mass force of the destruction of the victory of the defense of the mass of the victory of the destruction of the destruction of the mass force of the fights of the fights of the fights of the fights of the fights in the victory of the fight against the fight against the fight against the fights of the victory of the victory of the latvian
The First World War that was the bloodiest and largest war history had recorded to that date comprised many battles some of which took place in Dardanelles. In order to end the bloody battles and shorten the war, the Allies opened the Dardanelles front. Yet, because of their defeat in both sea and land, the Great War lasted longer and became bloodier. While France and England experienced the first major impact to their imperialist policies, Tsarist Russia collapsed under heavy burden of the war. The victory at Dardanelles and the collapse of the Tsarist Russia increased hopes of the Central powers for a final victory in the Great War, yet the entrance of the United States into the war on the Allies side changed the situation. Despite their great losses in men and materials, the Dardanelles wars were prideful and worth recording history of the Turks. For them, the Dardanelles wars were a great military victory, a great success for understanding the meaning of the homeland, an important gain on the way to become a nation state and a great help for Mustafa Kemal to become the founder of the future Republic of Turkey