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 Görüntüleme 32
 İndirme 3
Investigation of the Effects of Total Oxidative Stress and Total Antioxidant Capacity on the Prognosis in Patients with Chronic Viral Hepatitis B
Yazar :  
Özet :

Objectives: Experimental studies showed the role of oxidative stress in cell destruction and DNA damage in chronic viral hepatitis, In this study, oxidative stress was measured in various clinical forms of chronic hepatitis B (CHB) and the role of oxidative stress was investigated in the development of hepatitis clinic. Materials and Methods: In total, 33 patients with inactive hepatitis B carrier (IHBC), 33 patients with active CHB infection, and 33 healthy adults were included in the study. Serum transaminases [alanine aminotransferase (ALT), aspartate aminotransferase, total antioxidant capacity, and total oxidative stress (TOS)] were measured and compared in the patient groups. Results: In 99 patients were included in the study (56 men, 43 women). The mean age of patients in CHB was 33.21±10.20, in IHBC 36.73±11.54, and the control group 33±11.71. The mean ALT value was 40.93±28.28 U/L in the patients with CHB and 36.33±28.99 U/L in the patients with IHBC. The TOS value115.46±139.64 μm H2O2 equivalent/L in the CHB and 52.67±40.36-μm H2O2 equivalent/L in IHBC. Conclusion: ALT and TOS levels were significantly higher in the CHB than in the other groups. The increased TOS levels in the CHB may be related to the activity of cell destruction in active cases.

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