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 Görüntüleme 1
Estimation of the efficiency of perspective seed treatment methods of winter wheat seeds based on analysis of crop condition and biological yields
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Özet :

Field experiment on determining the effect of seed presowing treatment by promising methods (ultraviolet radiation, ozonation, low-frequency electromagnetic field) on the state of crops and biological yield of winter wheat was carried out. The results obtained were compared with the results of conventional seed treatment with chemical agent. It was found that presowing treatment with ozone and UV radiation stimulated seed germination and increased their field germination. Biological yield of control plants was higher for plots where seeds were treated with UV radiation and ozone by 5.8 and 2.34%, respectively. Seed treatment with electromagnetic fields did not result in higher yields. Actual yield data confirmed this trend. Straw and grain weight and their ratio significantly exceeded the control value in the plots where seeds were treated with UV radiation and ozone. Chemical analysis showed that only grain from plots where seeds were treated with ozone had significant excess over the control value: protein and gluten content was higher by 4.2 and 5.2%, respectively. The results obtained in the field experiment are largely consistent with the results of previous published studies. The combination of exposure to ozone and UV radiation during presowing treatment of seeds will provide disinfection and stimulation of germination, increase field germination, plant density, yields, and improve grain quality. These methods have shown better results in comparison with the method of seed treatment by chemical agent and, therefore, they can be recommended for implementation in production. Their combined use will make it possible to carry out effective disinfection and stimulation of germination, as well as to increase the yield and quality of grain.

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