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  Atıf Sayısı 19
 Görüntüleme 153
 İndirme 27
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Öz Bu çalışmada, küreselleşme olgusunun sanatla ilişkisi sorgulanmıştır. Küreselleşmenin, homojenleşme, kutuplaşma, hibritleşme gibi kültürel getirileri, sanata yeni bir kimlik kazandırmıştır. Çağdaş sanat olarak tanımlanan bu yeni kimlik, disiplinlerarası, çok kültürlülük özelliği taşıyan, zaman, mekan kavramından bağımsız, anlatım ve plastik dil açısından çok çeşitlilik içeren  bir yapıya sahiptir. Sanat, ilk çağlardan beri insanların doğa karşısında güçlü olmalarını ve kendilerini ifade etmelerini sağlayan kültürel bir güçtür. İletişim Kuramcısı McLuhan’a  göre kültürün belirleyici ilkesi, içeriginden cok iletildigi aracmm niteligi ile ilgilidir(Eşkinat. 1998, s.37) Günümüzde kültürün iletenleri olarak dijital teknoloji ve  medya çağdaş sanatın  en önemli belirleyenleridir.Çağdaş sanat, iletişim, teknolojlerindeki gelişme ile hız faktörünü  kazanarak zaman ve mekandan bağımsızlaşmıştır. Sanatçının kendisi de bir ileten olarak ön plana çıkmıştır. Çeşitli özellikleri ile çağdaş sanat, yaşamın içinde yer almakta ve küreselleşmenin kültürel boyutunun  büyük bir bölümünü oluşturmaktadır.Küreselleşme Ekonomik, politik ve sosyo-kültürel yapıların biraraya gelmesi ve yeni iletişim teknolojilerinin küresel kullanımıyla oluşur(Erdoğan. 2013, s.76).Bu çalışmada çağdaş sanatın ekonomik sistem ile bütüncül bir yapı oluşturduğu vurgulanmıştır. Bu bütüncül yapı içinde sanatçının kendisinin de sanat üretiminin önemli bir parçası olduğu gözlemlenmiştir.Çağdaş sanat, sanatçı, küratör, çağdaş sanat fuarları ve bienaller, küreselleşme olgusu üzerinden incelenmiştir. Çalışmanın amacı çağdaş sanatın, küreselleşmenin  önemli bir dinamiği olduğunu ortaya koymaktır. Çalışma, belirlenen problem çerçevesinde literatür araştırması yapılıp, kaynak tarama modeli kullanılarak yürütülmüştür. Anahtar Kelimeler : Küreselleşme,Küreselleşmenin boyutları,Çağdaş sanat,Kültür endüstrisi,Küratör Abstract In this study, the relationship between globalization and art was examined. The cultural connotations of globalization, such as homogenization, polarization, and hybridization, have given a new identity to art. This new identity, defined as contemporary art, has a multidisciplinary structure that is independent of time, space and diverse in terms of expression and plastic language. Art is a cultural power that has enabled people to be strong against nature and to express themselves since the earliest ages. According to the Communication Theorist McLuhan, the culturally determinant principle is concerned with the quality of the means in which it is transmitted (Eskinat.1998, s. 37). Digital technology and media are important determinants of contemporary art. Contemporary art has become independent of time and space by acquiring the speed with the development of communication, technologies. The artist himself has also come to the forefront as a conductor. Contemporary art with its various features takes part in life and forms a large part of the cultural dimension of globalization. Globalization occurs with a combination of economic, political and socio-cultural structures and the global use of new communication technologies (Erdoğan. 2013, s. 76). It is emphasized that modern art forms an integrated structure with the economic system. It is observed that the artist himself is an important part of the art production in this whole structure. Contemporary art, artists, curators, contemporary art fairs and biennials have been studied through the phenomenon of globalization. Purpose of the study is to provide evidence for the fact that contemporary art is an important dynamism of globalization. The study was carried out using literature review model in the framework of the identified problem. Keywords : Globalization, Dimensions of globalization,Contemporary art, Culture industry,Curator

Anahtar Kelimeler :

Globalization and Contemporary Art
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Özet :

In this study, the phenomenon of globalization has been questioned about the relationship with art. The cultural contributions of globalization, homogenization, polarization, hybridization have given art a new identity. This new identity, defined as contemporary art, has a multicultural, interdisciplinary characteristic structure, independent of the concept of time and space, which contains a wide variety in terms of narrative and plastic language. Art is a cultural power that has since the early ages allowed people to be strong and express themselves in the face of nature. According to the Communication Theorist McLuhan, the determining principle of culture is related to the quality of the medium that is transmitted from it. 1998, p.37) Today, digital technology and media are the important definers of contemporary art as the transmitters of culture. Contemporary art has become independent of time and space by gaining the speed factor with the development of communication, technology. The artist himself has come to the front as a messenger. With its various characteristics, contemporary art is part of life and represents a large part of the cultural dimension of globalization.Globalization is formed by the gathering of economic, political and socio-cultural structures and the global use of new communication technologies. In this study, it is emphasized that contemporary art constitutes an integrated structure with the economic system. In this comprehensive structure, it has been observed that the artist himself is an important part of the art production.Modern art, artist, curator, contemporary art exhibitions and Biennales are studied through the phenomenon of globalization. The aim of the study is to show that contemporary art is an important dynamic of globalization. The study was conducted by literary research and using the source scan model in the framework of the problem identified. Keywords: Globalization, Dimensions of Globalization, Contemporary Art, Culture Industry, Abstract In this study the relationship between globalization and art was examined. The cultural connotations of globalization, such as homogenization, polarization, and hybridization, have given a new identity to art. This new identity, defined as contemporary art, has a multidisciplinary structure that is independent of time, space and diverse in terms of expression and plastic language. Art is a cultural power that has enabled people to be strong against nature and to express themselves since the earliest ages. According to the Communication Theorist McLuhan, the culturally determinant principle is concerned with the quality of the means in which it is transmitted (Eskinat.1998, p. Digital technology and media are important determinants of contemporary art. Contemporary art has become independent of time and space by acquiring the speed with the development of communication, technologies. The artist himself has also come to the forefront as a driver. Contemporary art with its various features takes part in life and forms a large part of the cultural dimension of globalization. Globalization occurs with a combination of economic, political and socio-cultural structures and the global use of new communication technologies. In 2013, p. 76 It is emphasized that modern art forms an integrated structure with the economic system. It is observed that the artist himself is an important part of the art production in this whole structure. Contemporary art, artists, curators, contemporary art feirs and biennials have been studied through the phenomenon of globalization. The purpose of the study is to provide evidence for the fact that contemporary art is an important dynamism of globalization. The study was carried out using literature review model in the framework of the identified problem. Keywords : Globalization, Dimensions of globalization, Contemporary art, Culture industry, Curator

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