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Adana Sokak Lezzetlerine İlişkin Tutumların ve Adana Sokak Lezzetlerinin Belirlenmesi (Determination of Attitudes Regarding Adana Street Flavors and Adana Street Flavors)
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Abstract In the research, it is aimed to determine of atitudes regarding Adana street flavors and Adana street flavors in order to use, develop and maintain as an attraction in terms of gastronomic tourism. Quantitative research method was used. The population of the research consists of people who experience Adana street flavors on Adana streets. The research sample consists of people reached in numbers to represent the universe. Research data were collected face to face, via whatsapp and facebook between 20.09.2021 and 21.05.2022 by using questionnaire. In the factor analysis, 4 factors were obtained. In the correlation analysis, it was found that there was a high and moderate relationship between the dimensions. In the multiple responses analysis, 19 options for meals and snacks, 13 options for beverages and 12 options for desserts were specified among street flavors. In frequency and percentage distribution of participants' perceptions of Adana street flavors, it has been determined that Adana street flavors offer delicious, fresh and natural, satisfying and nutritious, visually appealing and different flavors, and are also served quickly, at the right temperature, are worth the money, and can be consumed anytime and anywhere. On the other hand, it has been determined that the majority have negative opinions about cleaning, hygiene and care regarding street food, the cars and stands where they are sold, their vendors.

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