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 Görüntüleme 101
 İndirme 41
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Education and training are of utmost importance in the advancement and development of states. Accordingly, states have demanded that their education and training be satisfactory and have made continuous efforts for a better quality of education and training. One of the most crucial elements in ensuring that education and training are fruitful and of high quality is the teachers who carry out those assets. Among the fundamental elements in teacher training are the undergraduate programs. Although the number of history departments in Turkish universities has significantly scaled up, the number of history teaching departments under the Faculty of Education which allow new students’ enrollment for the 2017-2018 academic year is only 7. Atatürk University, Dicle University, Dokuz Eylül University, Gazi University, Marmara University, Necmettin Erbakan University, Van Yüzüncü Yıl University are currently universities that have history education departments and enroll new students as far as it can be seen from the base points belonging to 2017-2018 academic year university entrance exam. In this study, the courses in the undergraduate programs of history education departments have been emphasized, the discrepancies among the curricula of these programs have been aimed to be identified, and suggestions with regard to making the undergraduate programs of history education departments more productive have been proposed.

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